| NA-PVE | Alliance | Casual-Adult | Trying to recreate your TBC experience but no time for grueling 25m progress? Do you play seriously on a casual basis? Tired of searching for PUGs? Do you long for a place to call home with a warm, family-like atmosphere? Can you barely wait to see that wall of green guild text? 14 years of awesome recruiting for TBC. PST
Who We Are is a mature tight-knit group of raiding buddies from retail and many of us have been together for 10+ years, with experience from Vanilla and private servers, to current retail raiding. We are serious about the game but casual in how we play. We are looking to provide an inclusive space for like-minded individuals. A typical Deity raid environment is laid back but laser focused when it comes time to do the dirty. We are understanding when it comes to real-life obligations since many of us are 10-15 years older than when we first started playing and have full-time jobs and families.
Raid Schedule: We have a badge Kara run typically weekly (Saturday at 8PM or midweek). We have a Friday 8PM ZA and a second group Sundays at 1PM. We raid 25-man content on Sundays 5:45PM-9:315PM. At present, we are progressing through Hyjal (with an occasional tier 4 or 5 raid for players that are catching up on gear).
Loot System: MS/OS with Don’tBeADick™ rules.
Recruitment Needs: We are currently recruiting all classes and levels for those looking for a social experience, but the following classes will be given preference if you are serious about raiding in a laid back atmosphere!
Inter-Guild Alliance: If you are a smaller guild looking to break into the raiding scene, please contact Kyasha or Drezdizzle in game. We would love to talk about a potential partnership.
Ok, I’m on Westfall can I join?
played since TBC, ret/prot pally looking for a new home. retail player coming back for tbc and all the fun it brings. Pretzel#0285 on disc
Bump please and thank you
Hello Vyah,
Myself and a group of long time friends are moving on from retail and currently leveling/preparing for tbc. We are adults who relate to having careers and lives, but love to squeeze as much as we can from our playtime. The group consists of:
Protection Warrior
Enhancement Shaman
BM Hunter
Frost or Arcane? Mage
Resto Druid
Your listing does not include a shaman need, but your post resonated with me and I’d love to chat about what you look for and what you hope your guild to be in tbc.
Best regards,
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I will be looking for you in game, Ryval!
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really good group of people. come join us
My husband and I are looking for a guild to call home. We are currently leveling as holy priest and warlock. Would love to talk to you more about joining up this evening after work.
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I will look for you this evening! Thanks!
Hi Vyah - another husband/wife team (war/r shammy) looking for a good group to hang with. I’ll dm you this evening
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Love it! Keep em coming! Talk to you soon!
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Ended up joining a few weeks ago and have come to really feel at home. Highly recommend!
Most pressing recruitment need at present is healers - specifically priest and shaman.
Feel free to contact me in game. I am usually on my paladin, Kyasha.
Bump, bump, bump. Bump, bump, bump.
I was unfortunately in the process of moving across the country over the past few weeks and I have unfortunately missed the launch window of TBC classic. However, your community sounds like the perfect thing for me. I have a 60 hunter and I want to also lvl a shaman to 70 in due time. I would love to talk more tomorrow about potentially joining you all and becoming a part of the community!
Glad to have you aboard, Lilslashi!
I started TBC a bit late, and am looking for a casual-ish group of people to play with regularly. Your post resonates a lot, and seems like exactly what I’m looking for.
I’m questing as Retribution right now. I’m unsure what spec I will focus on at end game, I’m open to either prot or ret.
i would love to join i can raid this weekend and ever other weekend and on the weekends i can i can raid on the monday and tues before the weekend and on the weekends that i cant i can raid on wednesday and thursday i would love to join i am a level 59 night elf hunter would love to learn and be a part of something