Ishnu alah, friends.
For far too long we’ve been scattered across the continents, from Darkshore, to Arathi, Boralus, Zandalar, Nazjatar and beyond. Our adventures and our conquests have separated us from one another physically, but never truly in spirit.
I wanted to catch up with you all on where we are, and what we’re continuing to strive for. When we first began we were fueled on vengeance, and a desire to do something, anything, in a time of chaos and turmoil.
I learned rather quickly, as many of you did as well, that vengeance is not sustainable, nor is it healthy. Anger is understandable, and those feelings are valid and not to be easily dismissed. But in this season of change, I want to focus on the positive impacts we’ve made, and continue to move forward in that direction.
Community where it was lost.
We’ve had resounding success providing aid, comfort and resources to the refugees of Teldrassil. I’m happy to report that many of the refugees in that have been staying in the camps here and being treated in the Cathedrals have been relocated to more permanent housing or treatment centers. The majority of the Kaldorei still in the camps are there by choice.
We’ll continue to provide supplies, aid, and moral and spiritual support to the efforts of supporting all war refugees until there is no longer a need. I encourage you all to find ways to support in any way that you can!
Our intent has always been to extend our community beyond that of just the Kaldorei. Anyone can take a look at our ranks and see shining examples of this in action. We intend to further improve relations across all races to provide a united front against any impending threat. We have learned so much from one another and I hope that we continue to build upon these relationships.
We’ve also made great steps in diplomacy with a handful of members of the Horde. This line of communication and working relationship has provided both us and them with incredible advantages when facing common enemies. However, while we will do our best to continue to foster and grow these connections and relationships, we will always be willing to fight or defend ourselves as necessary.
One of our big focuses, especially after Teldrassil, was helping our members find purpose. Many of us, myself included, were lost with an aching desire to help. Over the many months we’ve been able to channel that energy into positive and meaningful work. We will continue to provide mentorship, healing, support and purpose to our members.
As we continue to help in that regard, we’d like to be able to provide support or aid for causes that our members believe in. If you have a cause or something that you require assistance with please don’t hesitate to reach out.
I know that many of you consider this community to be family, I know I certainly do. I’m so thankful for each and every one of you and I will work my hardest to continue to do everything possible to continue to encourage the camaraderie throughout The Ashen Vale.
I am proud of what we have accomplished, and excited to see what lies ahead for us.
For the Vale!
Respectfully yours,
Priestess Aeriara Lightsong