We’re open again! Feel free to reach out
Heeeey guys, miss me yet?
Welcome to all of our new members! We’re happy to have you with us!
I’m excited to be a new member of The Ashen Vale. Everyone is really nice.
Can’t wait to jump in and be part of events!
We will not be moving to Classic and welcome anyone looking for a home for retail! For the Vale!
Bump for a good guild. It’s been awhile since I been in a guild that has a good community.
This guild sounds really friendly
You won’t find a better group of folks on the internet. Eventhough im moving on to Classic, The Ashen Vale is my family.
Thanks folks! We’ve lightened our event schedule this week in anticipation of Classic but will be back to business as usual next week! See you then
A bump for one of the greatest communities on ED! Although I may be a tad biased
For the Vale!
Can confirm. Good people. Would be punted by most of these guys regularly/voluntarily.
Hello, while I’m not a member of the guild I was cruising the realm as I’m considering switching (just came back from a break after getting AotC BoD.) A guild member named Fairlight spoke with me, and was honestly one of the friendliest and more positive in-game experiences I’ve had in a while, even though I asked 2 dozen questions.
Hope to be in contact with an officer later, but regardless if my earlier interactions is any indication then these guys seem to be a good group of people.
Hi Jte! I’m so happy to hear that our members our out there representing us well – thank you so much for letting us know! Please reach out to an officer or myself whenever you are ready and we’ll be happy to talk to you further – thanks so much!!
Right back atcha, Jte! It was a pleasure chatting with you. Thanks for the kind words, though it truly takes two to make for good conversation. So thank you for your part in it, too, J.
Welcome to all our new members! Events are up for the week and include M+ Night, RP Bar Night, RP Harvest Festival, TAV WPVP, DODGEBALL and Raid Night!
Let’s have a wonderful week! <3
Does your schedule or time zone make it tricky to attend prime time (6-10pm server) TAV events? Whether you do your best pet battling in ~the witching hour~ or just can’t sleep, the sentinels of The Ashen Vale are ever vigilant.
Starting October 1, The Ashen Vale will be scheduling regular late night activities, typically after 12am server. Planning a midnight wpvp squad, also open to suggestions. Actively recruiting late night players, pm me on Discord @peachpear#8362 if interested.
Love this guild.
TAV is now 6/8 Heroic Eternal Palace! Great job to our raid team!
I like turnip
Never had a bad time with TAV
They are a family to me and everyone that joins