A thank you to the Community Council

Nobody’s disputing that there are more Horde guilds than Alliance, I’ve repeated that in several of my posts.

That doesn’t mean there’s been an exodus to the Horde, it doesn’t mean there isn’t still a critical mass of Alliance players (although that can certainly be debated), and it doesn’t mean there isn’t a whole list of things that can be done to fix this aside from removing factions from the game.

Oh and regarding Hall of Fame, the main point for creating it was to entice more guilds to go Alliance because it would be easier to get Hall of Fame as an Alliance guild. They were quite up-front about that when it was put into the game. It had a ridiculously opposite effect, of course.

Well cross-faction mail exists, but only with BoA stuff. Same as cross-server mail.

They could just make a “banker token” that costs 1k gold and is BoA and redeemable for 990g, or something. Similar to what they’ve done with other currencies.

I seem to remember they did SOMETHING like that, but it was only in a limited time event. People were talking at the time about how it was a great way to move money around. But I don’t remember what it was.

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If the guild/pugs availability is significantly smaller in 1 faction to the other compared to 2+ expansions ago I think there has been a pretty big faction shift

789 to 211 ±1 (chinese guilds not counted)

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No, it simply means that more Alliance players have stopped raiding or playing.

Why would that be the only option? Sure a lot of people quit because their guilds die out but not everyone quits lol. People transfer all the time to hop on better guilds why would they not faction change to go up 500 ranks or something? Or pugging even or whatever people wanna do.

Because, as I mentioned previously, if there was a mass exodus, then the overall A/H ratio would not still be even, yet Blizzard says the overall player ratio is still pretty balanced.

Certainly individual players faction swap (in both directions!) on a regular basis, but there is no huge population transfer on a massive scale.

UNLESS there’s a massive population transfer, and enormous quantities of new players are coming in and all rolling Alliance to keep Alliance numbers up. Which is certainly plausible, but I think it unlikely that WoW is attracting mass numbers of new players, still.

I would like to put in a little earbug…

Tracking transfers by guild name is a poor way to try and track this. When someone transfers their guild to the horde, they are most likely going to have to change their guild name. A shadow copy of the guild is left on the alliance for those who don’t transfer to the other side. It already has the name. Since the people left no longer raid or can’t rebuild, that guild ends up shattered and removed eventually or it is held by one player that quit in 2012.

They haven’t said this for years though. I think Legion was the last time they tried to prove this to players but they never provided evidence of it. Plus the number of players can be relatively equal but that is in no relation to the raiding guild balance.

I think if a guild flips factions, they’ll also move servers at the same time to relocate to a new-faction-heavy server, though. So a name change wouldn’t be needed just to avoid conflict with the old husk. (Although somebody else squatting on your guild name is certainly possible.)

Ok I see what you mean, I guess a better way to put it is kinda at the top for stuff such as +15 or AOTC/CE (probably pvp pugs as well?) there has been a shift for sure. Even if you separate CE from AOTC/+15s there’s still a pretty big difference.

Ion mentioned it again at the virtual blizzcon last year.

Nobody disputes that there’s a difference, just the causes and the appropriate solutions.

I don’t want to see the faction divide end at all.
What happened to faction pride?

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I mostly agree after legion. It seemed fine prior because even though there was still a big disparity, the alliance still felt lively and had decent enough players to push content. (M+ to raiding.) but now it’s stupid not to go horde if you care about pushing end game content.

Blizzard has systematically eliminated it. Nothing but Horde Pride left.

Alliance is poorly written, doesn’t have meaningful stories, doesn’t have any real leadership, nothing. Heck, I think the alliance would be better off if Blizzard killed off some “leaders” like Anduin and Jaina. At least that will be something to move forward from. Oh wait, we continually lost and had poorer story than the Horde in BFA but we’re supposed to be happy because a dev said we won the war in some interview. Nothing in the game reflects that we won anything.

I am sure that Blizzard’s goal is to ultimately unite everyone under a Horde banner. it is just poor story.

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Blizzard has gone out of their way since MoP to do everything they can to make sure Horde players can’t ever feel pride about their faction ever again.


As an Alliance player, I still see more pride being pored into the Horde than I have ever seen applied to the Alliance. If I were to ever go to a Blizzcon, I would never mention that I play Alliance.

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They already do so the charade is laughable.

You’re welcome for High Elves.

I love you too cow man.
