(A) |Tavern| - Where everbody knows your name!

Edit to Add more up to date Raid info.
We have a Normal community Raid night, Heroic Community Raid Night, Progression Sunday Team, Mythic + Night, and Community Game Night Fridays!

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We recently had a few Raid slots opened if anyone is interested!

Recently came back to WoW and looking for an active guild. Lots of awesome comments in this feed, looks like yall have a great environment. Sent a message and friend request via discord to the username in the description above. Let me know next steps please! Thanks.

We are now currently 9/9N 8/9H.
Looking for a Couple more DPS to round out our team if anyone is interested!

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New to dps and am looking for a place to gear up and have a few laughs while I am at it. 411 BM but am working on a few toons to see what I am most competent with and have most fun playing. Hit me up in game Icecold#1232.

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We are 9/9 N 9/9H. Just an update!
Also hitting up Achiev Runs! :slight_smile:

Hey everyone!

Tavern took about a month off to Smash some Baldurs Gate and Starfield.

We are back and hitting up Raid to get ready for Season 3!

Interested just message me!