Ah sorry didn’t realize the capitalization mattered on this lol
I didn’t either until now! Guess ya learn something new every day.
Hello. I sent you a request on discord as well. Thanks
Bumping! This is the best guild I’ve been in since '09!
Seriously an awesome guild!
What DPS classes are you in need of?
I was wondering about the free food Skarsgarde mentioned in his post Anyway enjoy the free bump
Hey sorry for the late reply.
We really are cool with anything. I think we need PAlly / either DK / priest are never not welcomed / another mage / rogues.
We are still letting people figure out what they are going to play though still.
bump this post boi
Awesome people!
Bumping up for all the amazing people here.
What kind of pally do you all need Ret or holy? Kinda want to off spec heal so either pally or Priest if you still have a raid spot open
Yeah we could use a Ret Pally. We currently are really booked up on Heals, but could use back up healers for sure, and you can never have enough MYthic+ healers.
Doing me a bump
Let’s bump this awesome post!
finna bump this up
Bump bump let’s move this up.
New content bumping! Come join a fun group and see the new isle with us!
Come join a fun group for Dragonlandworldparistokyo!
Bump, if you like a chill environment and need a new home, come check us out