Tl;dr Looking for flex player with decent off-spec healing and pure dps slots pref. ranged
Raid Times:
Mythic re-clear Tuesdays 7:30-9:00PM CST
Mythic progression Friday 8:30-11:30PM CST
Optional heroic clear Sunday 7:30-10:30PM CST
Symbiosis is a guild that has reformed in BFA and started as a mostly casual heroic guild. In 8.3, we have begun pushing towards Mythic and are currently 4/12 in Nya’lotha. We are looking for more people to fill out a solid mythic roster and fill in some class and spec needs. We mostly need an DPS with off-spec heals, and ranged DPS with a focus on mage, warlock, and spriest.
We are a group of adult raiders who want to push further in progression, but maintain a more relaxed raid atmosphere. We don’t condone raging and toxic behavior as we progress. With that, we still want to maintain a focused atmosphere that works towards steady progression on each boss.
You are also welcome even if you have no intentions of joining our mythic roster. We run very open heroic clears on Sunday nights and have plenty of people on every night doing M+ and various other content.
If any of this sounds right for you, please message me here on the forums or you can message Fenley, Cuhlaymore, Kibutsuji, Anrika, or Shadowpuck in game on Sargeras.