You do. It’s intentionally time consuming to level an account to the point where it can queue ranked, and that’s where third party sites selling bot leveled smurfs come in.
The barrier is still lower than wow, though, where you need the game time, the latest expansion and to level (even if it’s quick) before you can run it down in shuffle.
Ironic given I’ve explained why your question doesn’t matter, yet you refuse to answer mine or even attempt to articulate why you won’t answer it.
I’ve found success on it. Would you like some help?
They’re already going in a direction opposite from yours in 10.1 with the CC changes. Sorry, but they’re not interested in preserving the hardcore playerbase at the expense of the casual.
All you did was dodge since the answer disproves your point
I haven’t played ret in this expansion but I might be interested soon.
Can you post on your ret so I can copy your build?
What does that have to do with anything? I thought we were talking about rewards? Why are you bringing up the cc changes where they buffed half the cc in the game seems kind of weird
Ok, i’ll bite. Please explain how my answer, or any answer, would disprove my point.
So why are you saying it’s trash if you haven’t even played it?
The new CC changes are geared towards casuals, so why would they suddenly turn their back on casuals? Because you say they should? And yet you can’t even offer a coherent argument as to why?
That’s not convincing.
See above. Please keep up. The CC changes represent Blizzard’s stance on who they’re designing the game around, and spoiler, it’s not you nor those that want rated 3s back.
You said that shuffle isn’t as contrived by a meta when the shuffle meta literally revolves around fotm rerolls
I simply pointed out that ret paladins were dominating shuffle pre nerf and then 8000+ rets randomly stopped queueing.
Don’t worry about what I’m saying… vanny G said it’s sucked in shuffle. Ret is far better in rated 3s than shuffle that’s a fact
Post on your ret paladin so I can copy your build.
Why did you completely ignore that request after offering help?
Why would they make legsweep and cheap and garrote and chaos nova and incap and song of chi gi and silence and cap stun and maim and take and incap roar longer duration?
I thought they were trying to help casuals?!?
What do u mean want it back? Where did it go?
I queued some 3s the past couple days one char at 1800mmr and one char at 2750mmr and the queues were poppin for both
The inflation that I ordered blizzard to implement has slowly caused participation to rise wow who would figure
Isn’t as contrived as 3s is, which revolves around FOTM COMPS. Whereas solo shuffle revolves around FOTM classes that slot into ANY comp. Do you not understand this nuance?
We’re having a conversation. Why are you saying a class is trash at solo shuffle if you’ve never played it? Are you just making it up as you go or do you have something of substance to back up your opinion?
It’s a fact that you’ve yet to prove, either with actual facts or with anecdotal experience.
What do these CCs have in common that the others do not? Why might those CCs be more beneficial towards casuals vs. rogue blind into sap?
Have you tried thinking about this stuff like at all?
It’s dead, that’s why you want to remove rewards from solo shuffle.
What’s the fotm comp right now? Ever since disc and rogue nerfs I can’t seem to think one. Frost arms rdruid seems pretty insane to me but I only fought one team playing that
You realize it’s easier to work as a team and outplay fotm comps in a coordinated environment than individually outplay fotm op specs in an uncoordinated environment? Why is this so hard for you to wrap your head around?
The rating differential between the highest ret and highest arms warr in shuffle on BOTH regions is 300.
Meanwhile in a coordinated 3s environment where you can get full value from blessing of sanc and bop and sac without having to worry about your teammates overlapping cooldowns or trinkets and coordinate well timed hojs on kill target because you know exactly when your teammate lands cc on the healer so it won’t get dispelled THE HIGHEST RATED RET(same player as the ret that’s the highest rated in NA shuffle) IS HIGHER RATED THAN THE HIGHEST RATED WARRIOR OMG WHAT A SHOCKER
I’m really glad they nerfed blind but buffing legsweep and cheapshot and micro cc like incap roar and cap totem hurts casuals I thought you were trying to support casuals? Why won’t they nerf those too?
Then why does the queue pop instantly with a different team 75% of the time?
Damn every single point you made just got completely destroyed.
Remove weakauras and audio queues like gladiatorlosa for sure
Omnibar and big debuff are perfectly fine
Post #234 of you projecting 10 years of failed 3v3 efforts and then sitting rating for 3 months after reaching all time high abusing pre nerf ret one shot
Solo shuffle had no inflation is was just the amount of people queueing. The first week of 3s was also extremely inflated with both of the brackets being the same level of inflation, just after people started realizing shuffle was actually easier to play people started land sliding into shuffle, removing about 50% of the lower ladder.
As if premade brackets haven’t been dead for 10 years lol, why do you care about my ratings? Everyone on the forums or subs to wow should be able to have their voice heard, I’d be saying the same thing as if I’m ranked at 100cr, just because some people have been playing 30 hours a week for a decade doesnt mean you’re opinion is worth more than mine or someone at 100 cr.
Devs time shouldn’t be wasted on lfg or the premade bracket anymore and they aren’t - SoloQ is the future.
this is pretty typical and isn’t really a sign of bad health
even as far back as mop when we had something like 5 million subs and dropping there was only ever 200-300k characters on ladder (s15 was actually the second highest participation we’ve ever seen behind SLS1 @440k which was powered by 1 minute badge being BiS in PvE)
your wording is correct here but your point and source aren’t super clear to less in-touch players
reiterating that 0.5% of the ladder is NOT 0.5% of the overall playerbase which is what data for azeroth tracks
gladiator this season unless they do something radical with inflation will absolutely be more limited than shadowlands and bfa s1/4
but probably won’t be as limited as 0.5% even if they do nothing
this number looks incredibly small, BUT if it were tracking only those that participated we’d likely see it be >1% i’m sure
and probably closer to 5-8% by the seasons end
Of those actively participating in rated PvP? I could see it. Gladiator during the season of Unchained was roughly…top 7-9%? Of 3v3 players? There’s already over 20,000 people above elite, the overwhelming majority of which are in shuffle.