[A] <StraightOuttaGnomeregan> - 10/10H 5/10M - Tues/Thurs 6:30-9:30 CST (DPS)

Progression: 5/10M 10/10H

Raid Times (EST)
Progression: Tuesdays/Thursdays 7:30-10:30
Optional (Alt): Sunday 7:30-10:30

We are looking for a few mechanically sound DPS players to round out our roster.

The trial process involves:
A log review. Damage parses are nice, but survival and mechanics are paramount. We prioritize candidates we bring to a in character raid trial accordingly.
If we move forward to the next step, you will then be invited to attend either an optional heroic or mythic farm reclear. This will allow both parties an opportunity to analyze culture fit.

Contact manbearpig#1894 or BrokenAimbot#1201 via battle net if you have any questions