A-Stormrage <One Night Affair> One night a week AOTC focused guild

Great Guild. Looking for more.

Bump it up!

Hi! Are you still looking for a protection warrior? I’d be very interested in joining!

@Omgicamee yes please me a DM on discord.

Discord Lucast#0562

Cool just sent you a DM!

I’m not sure if you added that protection warrior, but I also am on if you are looking still. Otherwise I am finishing preparing a hunter, though it’s not ready for heroic raid just yet. I meant to message you sooner, but life was busy for the month of February.

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@coach please friend me on discord.

Discord Lucast#0562

I’ll add you on discord though… brain was not working well tonight! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Bump time.

417 holy Paladin, 8/8 H and 2500 m+ rating. Looking for people to play with and raid with. Looking to achieve AOTC each tier.

Previously CE all of WoD, Legion and part of BFA. Took off end of BFA and didn’t play SL.

Discord: MadDawg#2838

@MadDawg. I sent you a Discord friend request. Would love to chat.

Bump for raid day.


Oooo yess bump it


Would love to chat with you when we can get together. Our group consist of about 4-6 solid dps ( hunter rogue devastation lock ) a tank but can be flexible dps ( war / dk ) and a preservation healer. A few of us can flex into different roles as well if needed.

Love to see it.

Happy bump post day

Hi there!

I’m looking to transfer to Stormrage and get back into some raiding after recently returning to the game. One night a week is exactly what I’m looking for! I have some heroic raiding experience as tank, healer, and dps

Are y’all still recruiting raiders?

@barkfortank. We sure are recruiting. Feel free to add me on discord to discuss. Discord Lucast#0562

Bumping for bumps sake