A-Stormrage <One Night Affair> One night a week AOTC focused guild

I would be interested. My mage just hit 70 about an hour ago. I currently raid on Horde on another server (current 7/8N and 4/8H). Would be raid ready within a week hopefully.

Beejers. We still have no mage and would love to trial you once you get it geared. Send me a DM when you’re ready. Discord Lucast#0562

Not sure why it won’t let me change my toon but I am at 367 so far

still bumping. great guild

Best guild tbh

Did someone say buuuuuummmpppp

Ill spam this thread daily for my 5 percent int buff stg

bump for 1 night a week

I’m curious to what you are still recruiting? I used to be in a one night a week guild in classic, and it was the best setup. I have a long history of raiding, going back many years, so I have experience. I currently have a job where Tuesdays are not available, but in March I will have them free. Perfect time to gear up a character you might need.

TLDR: I am curious what you are still looking for, if you still are.

Classes needed listed in the post with high priority for a mage and hunter.

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Bump hype.

still need more

More is needed

Resto Shaman healer… currently 382il looking for just AOTC for now

@adamsebass Sorry we are not recruiting healers at this time.

7/8 now gamers. Raz is next.

Need heals? Can merge to DPS as well?

403 pres evoker, 3/8 mythic experience.

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you have to log out of your account on the web…then log back in

@Mellowvibes. We have a spot for you. Please send me a dm on discord Lucast#0562

Need more folk to help kill angry dragon