A [Stormrage] 402 Mage with alts LF Guild

Hiya Sparkmantle!

I’m an officer in the Guild Shred Lobster, and I think you might be a good fit with us! I’ll do a copy and paste thing of our recruiting post, so you can take a look and see if we might be a good fit for you.

We’re not heading towards mythic raiding, but are striving for AOTC. We also like to run Mythic + dungeons when not raiding.

We strive to have fun and enjoy the game together (and hopefully get some sweet lootz in the process lol ) all the while being drama free. As far as raiding goes, I’m not sure if our Thursday is too late and our Sunday too early for you, but figured I would reach out just the same. :slight_smile:

Anyway, thanks for your time and here’s that link to our recruitment post. My contact info is listed towards the bottom (I go by Malo in game). Have a good one!
