[A] <Still Alliance> is recruiting! [10/11H SFO] Tue/Thur 8-11 PM EST

Our recruitment message:
Still Alliance is recruiting LARGE gamers for SFO progression! Are you a MILKER looking to pump FATTY dam in raid and M+? Look no further!

Seriously though, we are a group of semi-hardcore players with a focus on mythic raiding, pushing keys, and occasionally stomping Horde. If this sounds like you, then maybe Still Alliance is the home you’ve been looking for.

Raid days are Tuesday and Thursday 7-10 server time.

We are currently searching for skilled DPS and healers for Sepulcher Prog. Please reach out through discord for more info.

Our activities:
Heroic/Mythic Raiding
Mythic Plus
Casual RBG/Arena

Our personal achievements:
AOTC, 4/10M in SoD
10/11H in SFO
Multiple 3000+ io members
1800+ Casual PVPers

Discord info:
Charlie (Recruitment Officer): charliegssg#9902
Aedian (GM): Hussdog#3831
Tavrok (Raid Leader): Stinesski#7704

very nice : )

bumpu bumpy bump.

Great Guild :slight_smile:

1 Like

bump to the 10th character

Very cool guys

bumpy buddy boy.

is this guild still alliance??

Pumpers in this guild?

Thinking about joining…

bumpy mcbump yeet mcyeet.

Milkinn it

bumpy bumpy bumpy bumpy.

Bump bump :slight_smile:

Hey I added a friend request on discord

bumpy bumpy bumpy bumpy bump.

would u take a returning druid mostly in mythic sod gear i know 10/11h fights from my old melee main (his guild died i went back tothe charachetr i love) and am very experienced just need a chance im 255 ilvl atm have gotten ksm all three season on multiple classes
and most of mythic raid all sl

bumpy bvumpy fjidosnfuodsa