A Steward for Every Occasion - Incompletable (Missed Credit)

It would seem if you run too far away from a chore target for this quest, the chore will complete however you will not receive quest credit. I helped 5 different NPCs correctly, but only received 4/5 progress. Relogging and waiting (by doing queued content in the meantime) did not respawn anyone. Unfortunately I don’t remember which chore it was.

This has left me unable to complete this world quest.


same thing happened to me, pretty sure it was the chore where the guy catches falling scrolls. at least for me it is. im stuck at 4/5 and no where up here are there any more ‘helpers’

I’m in the same situation, doing the world quest, the Steward of the falling scrolls is missing and I’m stuck at 4/5.

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Can’t finish it either, and I’m stuck at 2/5.

Don’t even know what I did wrong, lol.

There are literally no more NPCs left that have chores for me to do, yet I see all the owl bros just fine.

Same bugged issue with me too at 4/5 - hard not to be pissed off considering how stupid this “world quest” is… top notch


got the same issue.

Same issue here for the same WQ.
It’s still stuck.

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Same. it’s the catching steward.

Were you in a party by chance? I noticed that when my party member completed chores they would also disappear for me, but would not count for me either, leaving me with 3 stewards and no chores to do.

Ditto. This stinks.

Come on Bliz… this has been broken for a couple months now.

Yooo, its almost February been like a cajillion patches I just ran into this issue, also with the scroll catching homie

Stuck at 4/5 here. 2/9/21 still no answer

Same here :s

I noticed today on this quest that one of the people you have to get a steward to help has moved right next to another one. The ones for food and drink are next to each other now instead of across the platform from each other.

Bugged for me, too. Like two thirds of this half finished expansion.

This is still a problem on April 14, 2021. I’m at 4 of 5 chores done, though I’ve done all five.
Please fix this.

Did this quest today with a new DH. While going through the quest I also started the quest for a steward of my own. I am wondering if this is what interfered with the world quest.

I didn’t see this thread as I made my own bug report for it literally right before I saw this one. I’ve finished all the quests in that zone (so no issue with other quests interfering) and didn’t have any npcs right next to each other when turning in, but the hungry aspirant and his accompanying foodie bird didn’t give me credit. First time running into this bug, just hoping more info can help pin down the problem.

How about fix your stupid broken quest Blizzard. It has been months. Can’t imagine why people leaving your game and your company in droves.