[A] SPriest looking for AOTC guild

Hey there! I’m currently looking for a new guild to join for TWW. I would love a spot on an AOTC raid team. I have a few AOTCs under my belt from BFA and Shadowlands, though I took a long break after Shadowlands and have recently been catching up on DF content before TWW drops. The only night that doesn’t work for me for raiding is Tuesday nights.

I also love running M+ and have a holy priest alt I tend to use for them. I am alliance and currently on Stormrage, though it seems that doesn’t matter much anymore. :sweat_smile:

I’m really looking for an inclusive, friendly community. Negativity and toxicity really kill the game for me, and although I like to push myself to play the best I can, I can’t take someone who takes the game too seriously.

Thank you for reading if you’ve gotten this far!

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Hi I would love to welcome you to my guild. You can reach me at Ammoreli on discord or Ammoreli#1871 on Bnet and I can explain more what my guild has to offer.

Hello Traedalle,

I think you would be an excellent addition to Grand Theft Dragon! Please feel free to check out what we have to offer below and then hit me up with any questions or interest you may have! Hope to hear from you! -Mesh

Who we are

Grand Theft Dragon is an AOTC focused guild that works on building a group of players who prioritize the fun of the game while participating in its many facets, such as raiding, pvp, achievement hunting, transmogging, and leveling. We strive to create an inclusive and supportive community that includes all kinds of people regardless of religion, sexuality, culture, race, etc. In Dragonflight we have achieved AOTC for all Raids within the first 200 guilds on our server and look to do the same or better in the War Within! We will start with normal for a week to two and then make our push into heroic raid! Our core raid team (once set) will push the content and then as other players become geared and skilled we will rotate them in so everyone has a chance to see and experience the content! When it comes to Arenas and RBGs we have RBG teams and have scheduled Arena/RBG nights with challenges for the teams that participate that evening that reward gold and rare items (tmog/pets/etc). We also have weekly or TMog/Achievement runs of older content! We really do try to have something for everyone to enjoy the game and a guild in a new expansion is a great time to try some new to you content!

What we are looking for

We are looking for like minded people who want to have a good time in game while bringing fun and camaraderie to discord while also being provided an opportunity to help shape the future of the guild and our goal setting as we push into the new Expansion!

Raid Times

Tuesday Thursdays at 6pm server, group will form about 30 minutes prior! Raid will run for 3 hours with option to go longer up to the group!

What we expect

Be Kind! Participate in the community, & try to have fun while working on your goals and those of the guild!

More Info

We do frequently participate in other content, old raids, mount farms, achievement hunting, pvp, etc. So in War Within when we aren’t all busy leveling or raiding there will still be plenty going on to participate in!

How to Apply

If you are interested in joining or just seeing how you’d fit in message me here, in game, on discord (GoForHunter#1770) on bnet (GoForHunter#1712) or apply through the guild finder!

Hello Traedalle!

High Latency on Trollbane server is currently looking for dps for our raid team! If you are interested check my post out about our guild here: Raid: T/Th 8:30-10:30pm EST + PvP (rbgs): Wed 8-11pm EST

Also feel free to message me in game! Yakella- Trollbane or on Discord : Yakusa#6430

Hello Traedalle : ) It looks like we may be a good fit! Happy to chat about it.

Guild: Syzygy
Server: Zul’jin (Horde)
Time Zone: Eastern (server time)

We are a semi-casual, mid-core, adult friendly AOTC focused guild and we strive to maintain an inclusive culture that is inviting from a social aspect while also being productive with our raids and key runs.

We are currently looking to grow our community of raiders, M+ runners, transmog & achievement chasers and casual players. Whether you are a veteran player or new to the game or somewhere in between, we welcome you to join us!

Raid Times: Friday/Saturday 8:00-11:00 pm (EST)

Raiding Current Needs:
Tank - open
Healer - open
RDPS - open
MDPS - open
! Any and all capable players will be considered, offspecs are a big plus !

A bit about us …

As mature adults, we have jobs, kids, and commitments outside of WoW – we understand that this is a game and we work hard to enjoy our free time with our friends. To that end we aren’t looking for people that bring drama, discrimination or hatefulness to our guild.

We are a community made up of different religions, races, sexual orientations, political beliefs and are LGBTQIA+ friendly. If you don’t have manners and decorum, or can’t have a discussion where parties agree to disagree respectfully, we aren’t your tribe. If you are open to meeting new people, sharing and experiencing new perspectives and having a great time then hit us up.

Interested or have any questions? Contact one of us:

Discord Contact(s):
Cat: crazy_catz
Cloud: cloudyaffects82

BNet Contact(s):
Cat: quirk#1650
Cloud: cloud82#11941

[NA][Kel’Thuzad] Wed/Thur 8:30-11 EST + Tues/Fri 8:30-11 EST

Hi, we are Last Pull on Kel’Thuzad, and yes, we consistently kill new bosses on the last pull of the night. We have two raid teams, one raid schedule is Wednesday/Thursday 8:30-11 EST (5:30-8 PST, 6:30pm-9pm MST, 7:30-10 CST). The other is Tuesday/Friday 8:30-11 EST (5:30-8 PST, 6:30pm-9pm MST, 7:30-10 CST)
We have gotten AOTC every tier in Dragonflight and have made the push into Mythic raiding in seasons 3 and 4. We are a “real life first” guild full of experienced raiders who enjoy pushing progression on our limited schedule.

We have kept a solid core roster since our guild started about 5 years ago, and are looking for a few more great players to round us off due to the stricter Mythic raid size requirement. We’re always eager to welcome more players who are looking for a long term guild to grow with and kill some bosses.

Guild members run M+ most days as well, with multiple players above 3k RIO and the vast majority of raiders having KSH. Several of us are previous Mythic raiders who got old and wanted to take it a little easier, so it has a very “dad guild” type atmosphere (we also have multiple moms too!). Now we are itching to go a little further with how well our team is doing, while still keeping the same laid back guild atmosphere that our members love.

We are currently ONLY recruiting for the Tues/Fri team and looking for:

High Priority
DPS Warrior
DPS Evoker
DPS/Heals Shaman
Ranged DPS

Moderate Priority
BM/MM Hunter

We encourage any great players to reach out to us even if your spec is not listed above. All we ask is that you work on your character and game knowledge, be willing to ask for or offer help, and be part of the team. We would prefer people who are already geared as we are currently progressing Mythic, but exceptional past logs will certainly be taken into consideration.

Please reach out if you think we’d be a good fit for you. You can contact me at Amerrol#1654 (BTAG).

Thanks for taking the time to read my post, and I hope to hear from you soon!