A solution for those who abandon failed M+ keys

The reason for this post is seeing the daily posts complaining about how some people leave a M+ run when it’s not going to be on time…

So there are two possible solutions I have always wondered why aren’t these implemented?

  1. If a key doesn’t make it on time, however if the group still completes it, the key should remain the same level rather than lower…
    So for example if you run a +10 key but the timer expires but the group still completes the run, the key should remain as a +10. The key should only drop to +9 is if the run isn’t finished.

  2. Blizzard should keep track of abandoned/unfinished keys (maybe specifically keep track of only those who first leave a key)… and share this info along side completed runs, so services such as raider.io can keep track of this too and possibly integrate and display the number of abandoned runs to other players.

#1. would help with keys where the keyholder leaves prematurely and may help persuade some players to stay.

#2. I believe would help greatly, as if abandoned keys are kept track of and are visible to other players, this may make it harder for these individuals with excessive number of abandoned keys to get invited to groups when the keyholder sees that an individual is the type who will most likely leave over a wipe. So as a result, you’ll have more players who wont leave after a wipe and will be more likely to finish an untimed run.


Been saying this for a long time.

The counter for that is (and it’s hilarious that people think this is a good argument) that players would use CC to make it easier…

Like CC and tactics to beat a dungeon are what makes a dungeon fun in the first place, not go go go. Watching the clock and bailing out because your not getting carried to better IO score.


Both terrible ideas:

  1. This can be abused by PVE’rs to get easy high ilvl gear consistently.

  2. You cannot create such a system without very obvious over sight - almost all DPS will have “leaving” on there records…and do you know why? Cause tank or healer left and they can’t carry run. Also this crates MORE toxicity cause people will insult each other over giving them a bad record of yet another leave.

  1. Not sure how abused since they are going to run the key to the end regardless if they are after gear… Especially this really isn’t as efficient in SL since blizzard nerfed loot (only 1 piece of loot per 5 people for failed runs). Maybe during Legion or BFA where there was still 2-3 pieces of loot for a failed run, but not 1.

  2. firstly, the tank and healers will be equally motivated as the dps to stay to avoid the bad mark on their raider.io info, also there’s a big difference between someone who has a few marks from people leaving a failed key, and those who habitually leave a failed keys left and right. Those who habitually leave failed keys would gain an excessive amount of abandoned keys on their profile in no time at all, magnitudes faster than those who just got an occasional point for an occasional abandoned run as you’re thinking of.

The problem with WoW is they are already implementing too many systems to combat perceived social problems. Toxic players are going to bypass whatever incentive(disincentive) that is implemented.

The permanent solution is to group with like-minded people. Sometimes you have to wade through muck to find them. That’s life.

  1. Because you can get a key to +10 and then spam it for the same ilvl reward. You think its inefficient to casuals, but to world first and mythic guilds and generally almost any guild, its free raid level loot.

  2. You underestimate how much people care loot over IO. They will leave and the dps will get bad marks because of them. And this will add up over a full season and eventually…over the entire expansion.


Can tell you have little experience on high keys. Yeah, you can get past the trash using CC, but some bosses are straight up not killable for some groups because of mechanics. Especially on tyrannical weeks.

That being said they should address mythic+ leavers. The best way is to actually punish people who leave keys early without giving a minimum effort. Minimum effort = a certain amount of deaths, or time spent in the dungeon. They should add a voting option to disband early. If 3 people want to disband early then you can leave without consequence. But if you’re frequent leaver you shouldn’t be allowed to enter mythic+ for a month period.

Let’s say you’re 30 mins into a run and not gonna make time.

Sure you could spend another 15 minutes continuing for 1 piece of loot. Then you could time the next key in 30 mins and get two pieces of loot.

That would equate to 75 minutes for 3 pc of loot


You could deplete the key immediately when it’s apparent you’re not gonna time and forfeit those 30 mins. Then time two more keys immediately.

this scenario equates to 90 minutes for 4 pcs of loot

It’s actually more practical to just quit your run when you’re not gonna make time, cut your losses and start over.


You don’t have that failure on your record. Untimed keys do not look good on rio and will not get you invited. I would invite someone who timed a 10 over someone whose best run is an untimed 11


so if you had a 30 minute debuff for bailing then it would be worth it to stay for the one piece?

I’m a big fan of using more information to solve problems like this, as opposed to imposing top-down rules.

So yes, providing a stat re: abandoned keys would provide helpful information to discourage this behavior and let other players be the judge of what it means.

these groups have no issue pushing 15 keys, as we see with the mythic guilds atm pushing Castle Nathria having +15 items and vault items equipped since last week.

secondly there’s a balance between marks and raider.io score over a full season, especially since there’s going to be a huge difference between the individuals with for example 50 abandoned keys next to their 1.8k score and an individual with 250 abandoned keys next to their 1.8k score. Furthermore, this can be remedied if the individual who first leaves a M+ dungeon run is the only one tracked by blizzard, thus sparing the remaining 4, especially the dps in your scenario.

Stop trying to create an overcomplex solution when said solution is obvious: Make your own group with a M+ community or guild or friends. Problem solved! Discord M+ groups exist without leavers. Pugging life sucks.

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personally i have no issues with groups or people leaving; As I noted in the OP, this is in response to the countless daily forum posts in regards to the issue of people leaving keys mid run, as a simple solution can exist to this issue.

Just because you or I have no issue with our M+ runs, doesn’t mean this issue does not exist for countless players, especially those who pug runs off group finder where this issue is prevalent.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t finish it, or if you finish not in time, it’s still a 10. How is that abuse? It’s like 3 ilvls different. You get more benefit from actually completing it and raising the key, and plus it’s wasted time to purposefully not finish on time.

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What do you do when you meet a truly horrible group? I just had one with a tank and healer who didn’t know what they were doing, we had 30+ deaths and 0 time left before we even reached the first boss on HoA. What do you suggest?

Sure I get that abandoning mythic keys is a dick move, I’ve had it done plenty of times to me as well, even trolls who join and leave immediately, but would you spend 6 hours on a dungeon?

4 man guild group pugs a guy in. 4 man guild group is toxic and holds the pug hostage. If the pug leaves the toxic group, he’s punished.

Create all the new rules and metrics you want, but one thing will always be 100% true:

Players will ALWAYS find the most effort-optimal path to gearing.

Right now, that path has us dipping on keys that will not time because 40% chance of loot >>> 20% chance of loot. Not NEARLY as many keys were killed when the loot% was higher.

be toxic right back. purposely cause wipes if they are being a dick to you and waste their time as much as they waste your time. Toxicity is a two-way street.

Anyways, taking a single hit for these rare and far between runs, probably wont affect anything. i doubt having a handful of abandoned runs on your raider.io profile is going to affect anything especially when habitual group leavers will have magnatudes higher, double or triple digits.

I thought the goal here was to come up with a system to reduce toxicity.

Key depletion needs to go. Getting rid of that alone will make the impact of leavers much less severe.

Key depletion is backwards progression, and it penalizes players quite often for something that they didn’t even do.

It’s time to remove this regression. If a key fails, leave it be - don’t deplete it. It’s senseless to deplete and only makes the frustrating experience of people leaving M+ that much more worse.