A solution for bots and multiboxers clearing zones of herbs

Your lack of understanding of how MB works, makes your argument laughable. M8.

Maybe learn a little before you make yourself look like a fool… again.


The truth of this hurts me because I would be one of the people buying the pet.


This is the right answer. The easiest way to tank the mat market is to give everyone their own farm.

And that doesn’t fix the envy issue either.

Yea that isn’t what I was suggesting. The WoD herb farm has nothing to do with this topic.

Personal phased nodes ARE the Garrison model.

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Multiboxing is just as despicable as botting, both need to go away, removing either or both helps regular players.

not every character can see their nodes it would independent on each.I prefer the old way of one node one tap but we will never get one individual server back.

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If you paid 75 dollars a month for those candy bars, yeah? Also, why are people not just going into warmode to farm if this is such an issue?


There’s a couple of recent ones. The first one was some gold farming guild multiboxer trolling around, but I’ve seen them out in the world farming. The second image has eight, if I recall correctly.

I mean, the obvious would be how would they even implement this without sharding everyone to their own shard, effectively making servers feel even more abandoned than before.

I find it really hard to believe multiboxers are picking herbs in the cathedral.


It’s exactly what you suggested.

DOUBT THEY WOULD PAY 5-10 ACCOUNTS WITH REAL MONEY.If anything they will drive up the cost of wow token forcing a higher amount to buy said wow token.

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If more players buy tokens with gold, that encourages players to buy tokens with cash, because then they get more gold from them.

So Blizzard sells more tokens and the gold price tends to return to an equilibrium.

As long as someone has to be there pushing the keys. It is not automated.
Before you even try to say it. No, I do not multibox, and never will.
I do not care one way or the other about multiboxers.


They were screwing around in the mage tower, yes, but I see them out in Nazjatar all the time. I just thought it was a funny screenshot with them all making the Chinese dragon. The toons are all in a guild that mentions gold farming.

only… that isn’t possible.

so… how were they paying for accounts before tokens existed?

Instead of personally phased nodes, I’d just give each player their own unique coordinates (within an 8-yard box) for each node. This way there’s still competition between players for herbs/ore, but it makes multiboxing unprofitable because every node appears in a slightly different location for each character – to get more than one harvest the multiboxer would have to switch clients, which isn’t impossible but is more friction than most would bother with.

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So you manually alt tab to each client and perform the tasks?

Right. Gonna need to see video of that. Set a camera on a tripod to show you at your keyboard accomplishthing this and upload to youtube or twitch, or whatever.

Nobody is that fast. Not even champion tetris players.

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why are you assuming they’re doing it with one pc?