[A] Small guild looking to round out our 10-man raid team

We’re a small guild (7 players) made up of friends/family looking to apply our many years of raiding experience to 10-man raids. Our preference is for players aged 30+, but we’ll accept anyone who is mature, pleasant and capable. We’ve been raiding since 2004 and are looking to begin progressing through Nathria. In need of 4 players.

I am very interested in speaking to you about this opening. Please let me know of a time we could connect. I should be available any time this week after Tuesday. I am a part of a group of five that is looking for exactly this.

This is Serebyi, I will actually likely be on this toon. Thanks!

Hey Serebyi/Ripsei, feel free to message me in game or at Hype#12936.

Digital Chaos is looking for three players. Our composition would allow us to take on a tank, a healer, a DPSer or three DPSers. Raid times are scheduled for Tuesday/Thursday 7-10PM EST. We prefer players who are aged 30+, but we’ll take on anyone who is mature, pleasant and capable.

205 Prot Paly looking for a home!
sent you a friend request furiax