My friends and I are looking for a guild with raid start at 8-9pm ST. Looking for guild that is more mature and can handle an episode of south park at least. Our goal is to clear all content but not be hardcore about it.
Hey there, we could take all of you if it seems like a good fit. My post here is brief, but check it out if you like. Our tank slots are filled though if your pallies are more hopeful to tank:
I’d love to chat with you if you guys are still looking for a raid team. Your expectations seem like a perfect fit with us! We are looking to fill out our roster for Gruul, Magtheridon and two Kara groups. Your pallies could tank a Kara group if they want to main prot but would most likely have to respec for the 25 mans. Add me on discord and we can chat more. Trevor#7760
We are currently looking for committed players of any class or spec , but these are the classes we are in most need for our 25 man team and our second Kara group. Raid days are Tuesday/Sunday 830pm -1130pm server time.