Gorillas is a two day semi-hardcore raiding guild with roots of retail cutting edge players making the jump to classic full time. Semi-Hardcore to us means; to clear raids quickly and efficiently, while not requiring you to play all day to achieve it.
Raid Schedule:
Wednesday: 9pm - 12am EST(Kara)
Saturday: 9pm - 12am EST (Gruul/Mag)
Our first raid is Karazhan on Saturday, June 12th. We are running two groups.
As a semi-hardcore guild, we expect our raiders to put in effort, come to raid already knowing how to play, what your role is, what items you should have and what items you need.
Loot System:
We run a soft reserve loot system with bad luck protection in place. For the first raid tier we will be allowing 2 soft reserves in Kara and 1 soft reserve between gruul’s lair + Mag’s lair.
Recruitment Needs:
We are actively recruiting ALL of the following specs. If your class is not listed below, feel free to reach out anyways. Exceptions can be made for the right players.
Resto Shaman
Holy/Disc Priest
Shadow priest
Prot Warrior
Holy Paladin
If Interested:
Anyone interested in joining or wanting to get to know us by asking questions, can message myself or the guild leader Zeran on discord.
Myself: Trevor#7760
Guild leader: Zeran#5102