I find that hard to believe about any of you that play Void Elf, you say it but I don’t buy it.
Also learn to read, I literally said no other model is an exact copy taken from another race like Void Elf is from Blood Elf, Nightborne might be taken from Night Elf but it’s altered and it has far less customization.
Feel free to try again though so I can laugh more.
Furthermore it makes you really one sided to try and say you have an issue with this Horde actually taking a copy of something from Alliance when Alliance already has from Horde. End of story.
Does that mean Nightborne “took” from the Alliance? They have similar things that came from Night elves…
My opinion is that the whole “take from the Horde, take from the Alliance” shouldn’t be an issue. Never will humans be able to look like Orcs. Never will Orcs look like humans (lol). But void elves were blood elves and blood elves were not always blood elves. That right there is why Void elves can have some of their previous appearance options. If a player has an issue with that, does that mean they hate and are intolerant of void elves?
I think in the end, it should come down to everyone being happy that all races have gotten more choices. So far, all races have not. Core races got a big boost. And after that then blood elves did too. I think void elves deserve more options and I really hope they see them. I hope blood elves get some faces that are actually different and less barbie copies.
But I hope all races get necklaces!
I dont have to “build my case”
Im not arguing with you and have ZERO interest in arguing with you. Have you seen a nightborne dance? Check it out sometime
Id you read what I said again, I said my opinion. Its an I statement.
Please dont be belligerent to me over what I clearly stated was my opinion and over refusing to argue with you.
Again and politely like my other post, I dont have to “make a case and make it good” and I have no interest in arguing with you.
As I said, you had no point and so really you and no one else has invalidated anything I said earlier on, Alliance stole the Blood Elf model and almost 100% of the customizations for Void Elves, we as Horde players haven’t done the same thing with Alliance which is what most of my most recent posts in this topic were about.
To be fair though, let’s evaluate the transparency here. Nightborne look very little like the Night Elves if we are going to claim that Horde got a NE model, but Void Elves can look nearly identical to Blood Elves.
I didnt ask anyone directly. I asked a hypothetical question. One to think about. I was definitely thinking about it. Also, when I told Naughtymoon that i was NOT going to argue, that was when I interacted. My comments before having to state I have no interest in arguing were I statements. I also respond when I choose to, just like anyone else here. I was coming to share what googling void elf tattoos turned up, an idea for void elf tattoos that look like tentacles on the skin (im not an artist so not sure how to do that), and suggest most flashy tattoos for blood elves but never mind.
Edit for two typos
Also not to be nitpicky but your first paragraph is rather accusatory for a “I” statement.
Further you say this
but… your second paragraph doesn’t mention it.
Which leads me to believe you did not come in here just to talk about tattoos you saw on Google.
In fact its not until here…
That you mention them after you’ve “finished” arguing with Naughtymoon.
You came in here and said something you knew would cause a ruckus, got said ruckus, and then tried to put down any opposition by claiming you were just stating an opinion.
Which honestly was unneeded. If you didn’t want to argue then don’t. If you want to talk about Tattoos then do that, not whatever it was you thought you were doing.
Being real about it the only reason I even came back to this thread after we had talked way earlier in the day today was because I got a notification about a reply, maybe they didn’t mean to reply directly to me (which is unlikely because it was directed at me) but the only reason mine was right after theirs was because I got notified about being replied to directly so I really don’t buy anything after that.
It reeks of someone just trying to shake the boat.
The accusatory nature at the end of the first bit, the conflicting story as they explain themselves, being determined to be hostile and shut down anyone responding.
But it’s whatever I guess, I decided to bite in so that’s on me and at least I’ll own that because I am accountable for what I do on forums when I do it.
It baffles me why people are oppose to more options and are literally attacking each other over it. Ya’ll really sweating each other…over hair colors.
Seek help LOL.