A simple solution to the vote kick issue

Sooo if you see it press no? Dont just click yes if ya see the box!

The amount of people who, when talking about this topic, who have no actual experience with it is amazing.

100% of them are for a reason. 99% of them are bad reasons.


Anywho i gotta go for now. Toodles!

Like dont get me wrong sometimes people kick to be jerks but most the time its afk or dc the other times its because you might be holding the group back and not knowing or asking so its eaiser to kick which is why i advocate for people to ask questions or seek out people like myself who are willing to help

that stinks and they shouldn’t have been mean. where did the kick abuse happen, though?

Terrible idea, hard pass

Why do you always show up trying to stir drama. -_- i would say 80-90% of kicks are dcs and afks 10-19% because that player is holding the group back and less then 1% are for bad reasons.

What? lol

I’m not sure how this qualifies as trying to stir drama. I’ve just seen mostly bad reasons for kicks in the queued content I run. Which is why 95% of my votes are a no vote.

From my OP

Also from my OP:

That was the thing I wrote immediately following the idea.

When I see this I click “no” and say something like hey guys lets move on and just kill the boss

last boss of BRD. I had been farming for the 20th anniversary event


Their tmog makes it self-explanatory, imo.

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Ive seen the oppisite also i see you always on the forums contradicting people as a means to stir drama just saying

thats usually because no one reads what is said. lol
Ive said like 100000 times in here that IM NOT the one being kicked…Im talking about SEEING the kicks…how else would I know what is said in the reason box? lolol.
They just assume youre talking about yourself instead of reading what is actually being said.

I didnt quit healing because of 5 kicks that happened to me before I ever even tried healing. lol.
I quit healing because of WATCHING others being kicked so often for no good reason and that hate speech crap in the reason box


Sure do.

We can agree to disagree then. Still no idea how I stirred up drama. Hope you have a better day now Varindral.

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It’s weird because if they really were for random and pointless reasons it would be safe to assume that you would receive as many kicks as the other group members. This strongly implies that you’re doing something differently from them causing them to get kicked and not yourself, so it kind of disintegrates your whole argument about how pointless the kicks are.

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no…it means I was the healer doing a good job and who kicks a good healer? lol
Not good reasoning there at all.

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Ive been healing since vanilla and ive so rarely been hated on or kicked from groups that i could count it on my hands. Even recently, i finished getting two diff dwarf healers to 80 and 2x human heals to 70. Not a single kick or issue. I dont think ive been kicked once on any toon since TWW started. Ive only been in geoups maybe 3 to 5 times who used kick and it was due to afk or dc every time. Your terrible idea would punish people using a feature to effectively play the game without interruption.

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theres so many people here on the forums who refuse to acknowledge the system has flaws, and rather than be open to fixes, they just plug their ears and go lalalalala the system is perfect lalalala i cant hear you


you dont. lol.
Youre one of the least offensive persons on this forum and we all know it.


No, the ideas suck and they are always punishing and anti group BS like this. They protect the one who was kicked. No system is perfect but ideas like this are toxic and dumb

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