A simple solution to the vote kick issue

I do think if I were developing the game, this percentage would raise a brow for me. I’d at least take it to mean something was going wrong with dungeons, whether it’s a player or dungeon design issue.

We’re just never going to reach that number. I’m not sure the number of vote kicks period even reach 5%, though this is sheer belief on my own experience.

There are a couple thousand players on the forums, maybe, thats being generous. I see a lot of the same posters in a lot of threads, enough so to know who problem posters are, there are millions of wow players. Even if we were to round up the entire forum and run polls, we would probably only get percentiles of answers for any given forum question compared to the playerbase of WoW.

People have gotta stop pretending on both sides, not saying you or anyone else here is doing it specifically, but in general, that they speak for the vast majority of the userbase, who, most likely either don’t care, or aren’t aware of the issue because it doesnt directly impact them.

edit: aaand theirs the close because the thread went off rails due to people bickering.

There is a way to predict a healthy marriage. People generally do not divorce when they only fight once a month, or less. However if they fight more than once a month, they are likely to divorce.

This is how human psychology works for other things too.

If someone gets rudely kicked from 5% of the groups they join, even though it is only 1/20 times, the person will remember the times they were kicked much more than the positive groups. Many people will simply avoid that content to avoid confrontation.

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This is from darkspear to dawnbringer to kelthuzad to rexxar to moonguard.
Sounds like bad rng to me.

The timeout was an overcorrection because so many complained early tww.
So this is legitimately a player made problem.

That was quite literally the point of my post.

Ive seen zero kicks in brd lfr since day 1. Even offliners are ignored to zerg the raid lol.

If you don’t get it in the first kill, you normally get it in the second.
Im also a heavy ping user so that tends to work instead of rw or chat.

uh…yeah? I literally agree on that.
the point was how the agenda changes the numbers.
if we need the forum to represent the whole base…ie EVERY person who got vote kicked wrongly IS right here…then we run with that number.

IF however, we need the forum to not represent the base but just be an oddity, then suddenly this forum doesnt represent the community at large.

its impossible to take seriously when it shifts and wanes depending on the agenda today.

Id estimate that over 100 dungeons I ran, yeah…5-7% had kicks back then…maybe 10% certain weeks.

Of those kicks nearly all were bogus where the targeted player didnt do anything wrong…and I mean not even a butt pull.
just kicked out of spite and malice for giggles.

Lord…they would even kick someone for being a ‘bot’ because they didnt respond fast enough in the chat box. lol…like many players dont even look over there to see anything was said because, you know…we’re trying to play the game lol.

and yeah, we’ve had many comments in here from players who said they had bad experiences in group content and so now just avoid them.

And do we think Ion made us solo dugeons and delves for his health? lol.
No…there was clearly motivation there to allow players to enjoy instanced content without the drama real players create.

well, for example, that group will tell us in here we’re not permitted to discuss actions taken by moderation on this forum but that one in one of these threads made NUMEROUS references to moderation action taken …ie ‘vacations’…but that person wouldnt…couldnt…know if there was a vacation give UNLESS that poster was given that information by a moderator themselves.
Peculiar that they would make assertions without having that information in defiance of forum rules, more peculiar is HOW would they have that information that ISNT given to members here.

Like I’ve done hundreds of dungeons myself

I wouldn’t even say 5% of those have had a kick

I was trying to be as generous as possible for it, but in reality as you say it’s probably a significantly smaller percentage, probably not even 1%


Tbh the thread is 600 posts too long.

They got quite a bit of feedback spanning several threads and posts now.

At this point the thread will just devolve into even more bickering.


Your experience is very different than mine. I have not seen a single offline person not get kicked. And all of them very swiftly.

When one group kicked someone, and the new person spawned, they were making jokes while the person ran to the boss room like “Don’t worry, we’re ALL waiting for you”

I have seen this, and I have mostly seen one-shots, but out of the maybe 20 runs I’ve done on alts etc for the bronze/timewalking tokens I’ve seen 3-4 take somewhere around 5 pulls. And all of those became socially dramatic, with people pointing fingers and vote kicking people.

So, I believe you for your experience, but it isn’t the same as what I have seen. Only Blizzard really knows the data on this.

EDIT: if you are queuing on your main, and you are geared, you are probably doing enough damage to make it easy for the group and likely aren’t seeing as many issues. I don’t think my 636 mage has had a single failed attempt but it’s like having 2 extra dps