A simple solution to the vote kick issue

If we are going off forum merit alone, sendryn far out weighs both of y’all combined.

Hey hey hey how dare you undermine their 10% of total posts :joy:


dont be disengenous friend…if accusing of alt hopping is your only argument I think its not worthy of my time to discuss this with you further.

I’ve made no mention of alt hopping. I said same small group of people. Nothing mentioned about alts.

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Im not trying to convince S …or you so merit in that regard is meaningless.

The point is whose experience takes precedence here…someone who says they dont see kicks who I cant even confirm even does group content much…or myself who ran a dozen dungeons a day for a long time and did see a ton of nonsense kicks for nothing the player did wrong.

sorry but I read here EVERY Single day and have for years. Ive yet to see the same 4 names starting these vote kick threads over and over again in that time. lol

Our own experience always takes precedence over others’. This is the nature of bias, we can’t escape it because we can never have a perspective that is not our own. We can try, and we can empathize, but we can never see through another’s eyes.

In short, on a larger scale than the personal, no one’s takes precedence.

I can throw myself in the mix.
Ive run EACH dungeon from classic to legion a thousand times minimum. Each.
Over maybe… 300 to 400+ toons over 15 years.

Ive seen maybe 10 random kicks that weren’t warranted. Almost all of them were dcs, afk, pulling intentionally, being a nuisance.

I can confirm on my end this is not a problem. So does my opinion hold more weight than yours because i said it does?

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It is at least a little weird how the “kick toxic” narrative just kinda shows up in a wave every so often

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Where have I said “4”. I said small group of people, didn’t mention any specific numbers.

the problem with the arguement therein is you say 'it doesnt happen much" while evidently it happens a LOT more than you want to believe.
something something reality, something, as it were.

Lio, this isn’t true.

Even if I assume every post on this forum is honest, it will account for an incredibly small percentage of all runs done through LFD. Even if I’m generous and I quadruple that number to say only a quarter of them come here to complain about it, it will be an insignificant percentage.

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I’d genuinely be surprised if even 5% of all kicks were done “maliciously” or whatever

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ok…great…what realm are you on…maybe I’ll hop over there sometime and maybe be able to start healing again.

Myself, I was seeing ‘no cause’ kicks a number of times week…which is annoying enough, but the hate speech crap in the reason box was over the top so I stopped bothering

The problem is YOUR ‘experience’ tells the rest of US that reality doesnt matter so stop complaining about it. lol

MY experience simply says “fix the timeout so its not so abusive to innocent players”…unlike YOU, Im not asking YOU to ignore YOUR experiences.

“Every” complaint on the forums is a miniscule slice of the mass playerbase in WoW who usually won’t raise a stink over things, they’ll just quit if they don’t like something.

I’d be more surprised it it was 1% honestly.

If there is one thing spending time in Customer Support forums taught me, what people on the forums claims, is actually not always the case.

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The answer is my anecdotal evidence and your anecdotal evidence are worth about the same. Though you saying in all of your 15 years playing doesn’t mean much if the previous 14 years didn’t have much of an issue but this one did, for example.

And I’ve identified why I think this is happening more, currently. The last boss of BRD on LFR is a little harder than the rest of the bosses, and there aren’t really guides for him.

While most groups have no problem, perhaps one out of 5 or 7 runs in my experience very few people in the group know the fight and they start pointing fingers after a wipe.

I have seen the final boss of BRD get nasty a few times in recent memory, which is what got me thinking about it. Particularly seeing an obviously new healer get harassed.

I think this could be related to my previous point. Since this final boss has the main reward, and is a bit harder than what people doing LFR are used to, I do think that perhaps we currently have a wave of people complaining about being kicked because of this particular event.

Even that seems incredibly high to me. Even if the total number of LFD runs were only one million, which is a ludicrously low number, I have not seen enough posts on this forum to account for 0.25%

I don’t think people always understand the scales they’re working with. There has been a lot of LFD run in WoW’s lifetime.

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ironically that EXACT detail is pointed out when it suits agendas in here…“this forum is only a small part of the entire base”

but when it suits another agenda, suddenly EVERY person with a gripe about the game has shown up here and posted about it. lol…supposedly

That’s what I mean

Even a number as high as 5% wouldn’t really mean the dungeon system needs a whole rework

Under .5% would just be entirely ignorable since it’s such a non issue

It is tho…