Some have tried to push the concept of ‘morality’ into this discussion.
This abusive behavior towards other players has little …nothing…to do with morality.
We battle pets to their death for god sake…nothing is moral about that in the least…this is a video game.
The issue here is Blizzards own words in their own Social Contract…and that is the end of it.
That contract tells us how we are to treat other players in this game.
When players are disruptive in some other fashion, say killing NPCs over and over in a zone where only a single player is even at…and I know this factually because its happened a number of times when Ive been the only person out in a classic era zone…that player can be dealt with for game disruption.
If I turn warmode on, I can be endlessly ganked and blizzard isnt going to do anything about it because I chose to turn it on of my own free will, thereby sending everyone else that Im fully ok with being ganked til kingdom come.
Both scenarios waste player time. One can be actioned, the other isnt touched.
WHEN you join a group to run a dungeon, it is assumed you are partners, a team working towards a common goal. No one assumes youre going to literally be the ENEMY in that scenario…no one should have to assume that about you…yet in this game we do because the company decided to provide a tool to deal with problematic players and has then decided to tell players its ok to defy their own Social Contract in this ONE case and, without any just cause whatsover, disrupt the game play of other players who assume they are in this group to work together, not have their time wasted for no reason by the very persons they literally teamed up with to work WITH, not against.
that this is even a topic of discussion is very telling.
As the forum owner, blizzard, allows us to do.
there is an option at the bottom that allows us to mute threads if one doesnt want to see them or participate.
what one isnt allowed to do as far as I know is to demand the rest of us stop talking about the topic, which seems to be something yourself and a few others… both here and in the now locked thread… are continually suggesting and/or demanding.
I mean, they can demand you stop talking about it until their blue in the face so long as they’re not throwing around prohibited terms, and of course, you are welcome to ignore them demanding things until they’re blue in the face, just as they’re welcome to ignore the suggestion of leaving the thread. Blizzard doesn’t care, the thread can go completely off rails, as long as people aren’t openly swearing or slinging slurs, or posting otherwise inappropriate material, its pretty much open season.
The irony of it is the ones claiming everyone else is trying to silence them are the very ones who keep trying to silence those of us who are discussing the topic. lol. Happens every time this and a few other topics come up in this forum…which makes this forum nearly useless for anything meaningful.
Im not naive enough to believe that Ion and devs dont read here regardless of claims to that the dont.
These discussions might very well give them ideas to try and where its something like this that is disruptive behavior towards other players, Id hope that sooner or later they see something in here and maybe try it and see if it helps alleviate some of the problematic behavior in this game.
sounds good.
Also, add a report hate speech option on the vote kick pop up to report players who put bigoted, phobic, racist comments in there when theyre kicking someone
It doesn’t get heated because people don’t want to see it, it gets heated because some consistent posters create disingenuous arguments and are very prolific about it.
lol. It gets ‘heated’ because a few in here try to tell us not to talk about it.
One MVP has made it pretty clear they are trying to get the entire discussion shut down, friend, because they dont like the topic evidently.
I do…but if they get our discussions closed over derailing a thread instead of doing that ignore thing themselves as they should, now we just lost 4 days of discussion because 3 posters decided to take it upon themselves to derail and get a 404ed thread instead of doing the mature thing and using the mute.
This thread, for example…
one poster there spent more time taking veiled personal jabs at me than discussing the topic…which is typical, and problematic.
they need to just mute threads they dont like as some of us do
But also, this really just isn’t discussion worth having. You’re trying to solve a social problem who’s only real “solutions” would be substantially more damaging to the overall health of the game than the ill it is trying to address.
we’re not trying to change society. Read the thread. We’re trying to get blizzard to tweak the system to make it harder to abuse players with timeouts they didnt deserve.
Who determines what is and isn’t deserved? Blizzard? The players? Automation?
Is someone who is looking at the torches on the wall, not keeping up with the group and not contributing to the successful completion of the dungeon more or less deserving of a kick than the guy screaming profanity at the new tank?
I’d say they’re equally as culpable, as they are both hindrances.
Nor have I, though I admittedly wouldn’t be surprised and I’m not gonna go hunting for it. Plenty of ways to say it, I suppose.
I have to imagine plenty of people are sick of seeing it. Hell, even I am, but I’m not in the business of telling people to stop foruming on a forum. I just doomscroll to see if something catches my eye.
yes, there is.
How many kicks do you get in a day? one at most?
So the first exit of the daily reset let it be a freebie…no timeout.
That would alleviate MOST of this problem where a player gets kicked thru no fault of his own so now he isnt sitting around for half an hour wasting time for not reason
Second kick of the day might mean the player is the cause of their kicks and so yeah…now start the timer…
This thread has made the argument that there is an epidemic trolls in LFD using the kick function to remove players for no reason. This would suggest that, even if we implemented your “fix” that innocent players are still going to be punished.
My argument hinges on the fact that is not really an issue. That all removals are justified because the majority agrees with it.
It sucks to be kicked, but if the most of the people want you gone, you’re gone.
yes, an MVP has made it very clear they dont want us talking aboutthis topic, claiming its ‘spam’ and hoping it gets closed even though no violations exist here
the now closed thread literally had someone saying " And please stop posting about it, because it wont solve anything. If anything it’s gonna make it worse"
you yourself spent more time in that thread focusing on someones ‘vacation’ than you did participating in the discussion, which that derailing is partly why it was locked. “It’s also sus that all of these threads show up right after a certain person that’s obsessed with the topic came back from their forum vacation.” “This place was much nicer when they were on vacation.”