A simple solution for the Mage Tower problem

You don’t. It just makes it easier.

There is no Mage Tower problem lol.

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Do you actually just want the only solo challenging content in this game too be braindead?

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The mage tower isn’t a problem.

Does it matter if it was intentional or not? It’s cool. Old gear finally has some sort of relevancy. That’s a good thing.

Blizzard could’ve nerfed it all and said screw the casual playerbase. They didn’t so yeah, I’d consider that a generous gesture.

Here’s how the mage tower works:

You’re either really good and you beat it in a few tries in whatever gear.


You’re not as good so you have to farm an old set.

Both are valid… either hardwork or skill. What isn’t valid is complaining. Complaining will NOT kill Xylem or Kruul for you.

These comments is kinda why Im hoping Blizzard does away with the gear next expansion so I can watch all these try hards come whining back because these people who think its fine now would go absolutely nowhere in terms of the big 3…

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Absolutely not.

The idea is to balance it at the level that 50% of the players can do it and that it works at the level of expansion progression.
Not that it has a fixed difficulty, it has problems with the encounters and it is also designed for 5% of the server.

Obviously I don’t want to argue with anyone, the community has proven to be the toxic, selfish and unthinking one on these issues, especially when the content gives it a certain superiority of skill in the game, painful but real
Or just give me an idea. I really don’t care much what they think of me or how skilled I am in the game, so I save your trolling.

I’ll keep fighting and writing where I have to, so that somehow Blizzard will listen and fix their crap or just ignore it like it mostly does and keep treating the game for the “ELITE”.
Let’s see where this takes us in the near future.

I think the design intent is that the mage tower sets are a prestige reward, like mythic raid mounts/sets or the elite pvp sets. So while your change would accomplish your goal, I do not think that is a goal shared by the developers.

Not much of a prestige award when its known by the community as a whole that 99.9% of the people who get them have literally bought them…

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Citation needed.

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Thats a nice argument. Why dont you back it up with a source?

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What does that even mean?

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“I can’t do it so no one else can either. They must’ve bought them.”

This also ignores the fact that Blizzard just had a ban wave recently targeting people that bought mage tower boosts. But people will believe whatever false narrative protects their personal interests and beliefs.


My “trolling”? So because I’m not agreeing with completely trivializing the ONLY challenging solo content in this game, means I’m trolling?
Even now you can make these challenges 2x easier with old raid gear, certain enchants, weapons, pots, lust. Fury warriors litterally heal too full because of 1 enchant.
Guardian druids are using trinkets that do over 50% of their dmg throughout the encounter.
Adding legendaries into this would remove the actual challenge part of these encounters.

I think he’s referring to the wave of bans in the last few months, most of them weren’t for carries but for people who had given their account for someone to pass the Tower to them.
As I wrote before, sad.
Wouldn’t it have been simple to make difficult content but progressively (with the natural advance of the expansion) doable?

Do you have a source?

This sounds kind of like cope.

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I mean, I could stand on my hunter and let my leg leggo heal me back in legion.

So why not now?

You first…

That’s a gross exaggeration if I ever saw one…

There is entirely different scaling now compared to then. MT now is scaled too not using legendaries adding them in ruins the whole point of it.