[A] Shaman - LF Semi-Hardcore Raiding Guild

I am new to Classic and instead of using my boost I decided to level a Shaman. I have an affinity for Resto, especially early on, but I am open to playing either Resto/Elemental. I just think it will be easier to do 5man content as a Resto Shaman.

My definition of “Semi-Hardcore” is a Guild that doesn’t min/max the fun out of the game and understands the balance between effort and reward. I will do my best to obtain all my BiS gear and I would like to play with like minded people.

I can raid any weekday after 6 PM EST and my weekends are open too.

Discord: stifledmind#0489
Battle.net stifledmind#1839

Hi, I’d like to have a chat with you about joining The Millennium.
We’re a semi-hardcore team with the goal of clearing content in its released phase.
Our raids will be Tues/Thurs 10pm-1am EST (late I know but falls inside your cutoff times)
You can reach me via Bnet at Lament#1412 or discord Lament#7840 with any questions.

Still searching for the right fit. Updated post. :slight_smile:

< Iconic >

Raid Days : W/TH/M ( third day for later on) 830pm - 1130pm ST
Loot : Loot Council with rotating officer/raider weekly to keep transparency

About Us and what to expect :
A group of like minded induvials who wish to succeed and clear all content while having fun. Leadership has been playing this game on a high end level since Vanilla and expects to have a successful TBCC experience for the guild. The guild environment is relaxed but at the same time expects all its raiders to come fully prepared to be efficient and effective during raid. This means: know fights, have proper consumes, addons/wa’s , gear, enchants/gems etc. The guild has a zero tolerance towards toxicity, meaning if there is an issue it will be resolved with a one time warning. I expect everyone to understand that even though this is a remake of original, I do not want to waste peoples time and to be able to expect the same of us.

Current Recruitment Needs:
War - Tank (1)
Druid - Boomy (2)
Paladin - Ret (1), Holy (2)
Lock - Destro ( 1-2)
Priest - Shadow ( 2) Holy (1)
Hunter- Survival (1) BM ( 2)
Shammy- Resto (1) Ele (1)
Mage - Fire (1-2)

Other classes/roles not listed are closed atm, but willing to talk to anyone that has interest.

Feel free to contact me via links below and thanks for taking time to read. Best of luck in TBC.


BNET - Xcirus#1428
Discord - Cerinity#1162


I’d be interested in talking to you about joining us If you’re still on the hunt for semi-hardcore raiding guild. You can message me on discord: Trevor#7760

Recruitment post: