SOF is recruiting tanks, healers, and Dps We need you to help build are roster has we begin to Raid. We have been slow to start getting into the Castle and other things. We are a small guild and would like you to join us. We moved over here from Arathor/Drenden last January 2020. As of right now we are Raiding normal castle build our gear, but soon to be Heroic.
We raid Sun/Wed @ 8 pm EST and run until 1030 pm EST
For info, contact Kimbeliane or Halizza in game
Battletag: Strongheart#1658
I have always wondered if any small guilds would like to merge together and form one community. We are an adult type guild, but get serious when it come’s time to raid, dungeons, mythic so one. But we know how to have fun.