(A) Shadow Priest LF Guild

Hey :slight_smile:

Looking for normal/heroic CN guild. Would be fine with weeknights (no later than 10pm server) or any time weekends. 180+ ilvl DPS. Please let me know ASAP if interested!

Hey! I’d love to get ahold of you and talk about joining ! We’re EST based raiding two nights a week alternating between the days of Tues/Wed/Thurs based on schedules (it’s all preset and easy). I ran a similar set up in Legion and got AOTC every tier and I’m building things back up after everyone took BFA off. Hit me up! Nylos#11610

Hi! We’re a new guild looking for people who want to push pve content and have a fun group of people to chill with. Raid times at Saturday 8:30 -11:30pm server and Sunday’s 6-9pm server! We run mythics almost daily and in the near future we will be hosting guild events like achievement runs let me know if this is something your interested in and I hope to see your guild join request soon!