[A] <Seventh Sun> ONE DAY Guild

Sundays from 6-10PM CST. <Seventh Sun> Alliance on Sargeras-US.

9/9H and 2/2H

Comprised of former high-end mythic raiders and mythic raider alts. Don’t have the time to commit 9+ hours of raiding a week? Seventh Sun only raids ONE day a week for a maximum of four hours. Our focus is AOTC and clearing heroic, but any time left over is spent on mythic. Join a group of friends who have known each other for years!


  • Ranged dps
  • Windwalker monk
  • Possibly a tank (for the right person)

Interested? Contact us on btag: Maritt (Layria#1512); Cawll (Khayde#11850); Spec (Spectecles#1430)

we’re still looking!

We’re still looking for Ranged DPS!

We are still looking :slight_smile:

Still needing strong ranged dps! 5/9h !!!

Sent a btag request!

Thanks Emi! Got it :slight_smile:

Still in need of range DPS and Jesus in windwalker form. Hit us up!