A serious problem going into Wrath Classic

I was a bit obsessed with levelling a few alts, and didn’t get around to running a dungeon until today. When I did, some MAJOR problems immediately stood out.

Firstly, TBC dungeons have been trivialised. The changes to the classes have made them completely faceroll. Which, for me, seems to indicate that the problem with the dungeons and early raids in Wrath isn’t that they’re too easy – it’s that the classes are all too powerful. Ridiculously so.

This needs to be addressed, and quickly, if Wrath Classic is to retain its playerbase beyond the first one or two months.

Secondly, all the bad behaviour that has plagued Retail was immediately evident in the dungeon run. No talking. No buffing. No threat management. No CC or interrupts. No waiting for casters and healers to mana up. Just speedrunning the dungeon with maximum damage.

And in fairness it was a very successful run. No one died, and we got the dungeon done super quick. But it was also about as much fun as Parliamentary Question Time. If this is how dungeons and raids are going to be in Wrath Classic, I have zero interest in it.

(P.S.: This isn’t a sneaky call for the LFD/RDF tool, and I would appreciate if people didn’t use this thread as an excuse to bring that issue up again. This is a genuine call for Blizz to do something about how overpowered all classes are at the moment.)


No. Wrath was the first ever xpac where people were able to solo heroic dungeons and raids. Content is much easier now.


The problem with that assumption is that it is clear that current TBC Classic content has become completely faceroll in the prepatch. As faceroll – possibly even moreso – than what people remember of OG Wrath content. Which says to me that the problem people remember from the OG Wrath actually had more to do with the class design and tuning than the actual dungeons and raids.

If it was poor tuning of Wrath dungeons and raids, then it would be about as difficult to run an Outlands dungeon in prepatch as it was in the rest of TBC Classic. But it clearly isn’t. And this wasn’t with uber geared characters either. This was with characters at roughly the right level range, with quest gear.

Not seeing an issue with the content at all really. The pace is good and the groups appear to be having more fun in them.

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it is never enough #massivechanges with you people is it?

odds are you will be the first out the door in a couple months. . .


And you think that so many of us players being overpowered and not struggling with any dungeon fights has nothing to do with the fact that for most of us, this is our second time around and so we know the content nearly perfectly?

No. I really don’t. People are completely facerolling the same dungeons that 2 weeks ago were challenging.

Almost all classes are bonkers OP, in a way that I think exceeds even OG Wrath. I think they’ve got the class tuning drastically wrong.

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Because those who were noobs are noobs no longer. The rest of us taught them. They caught up.

They were never really challenging

Ok and.

Who cares if dungeons are easy, thats good. Some of us want the gear and to leave pve entirely so we can have fun pvping.

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well on fresh, mages are not op lol pallies are fantastic tanks, hunters are amazing dps, boomkins are getting better, and locks are great. but mages are…um, nerfed. oh we can dps, but not very well. i ran a gnomer and the enhance shaman requested that i actually do damage. lol

There is no such thing as too powerful. The game and fun starts when you are in BiS and feel like a God.


wrath is ezmode, some dev quit in wotlk because he was “tired of balancing content that peoples’ grandma could play” or something


no one likes wiping in dungeons. That’s just a fact. If you enjoy wiping in dungeons you could maybe take off some gear or something and try running it with a group to make it…harder? I agree blizzard should increase dungeon difficulty in wrath , not in tbcc when its almost done. Wrath dungeons really were very easy even on heroic especially once people were geared. In the beginning they’ll be moderately challenging for the casual group but no where near the difficulty that tbc heroics brought at the start of the expansion. The problem with tbcc heroics were they just took too long, no one really goes out of their way once their geared and says hey lets do a heroic for fun. Wrath dungeons are probably cut in half time wise compared to tbcc heroics. No cc was used in any heroic wrath dungeon. It just wasn’t needed. While it’s kinda cool at the start trying to figure stuff out and getting past it , it’s a huge waste of time.

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A couple hours ago someone was looking for dps for n SV. So I figured I’d get my fresh 70 in there to get the SV dungeon quest done and get the helm. So I had joined this duo of tree druid and prot pally. They had cleared all of SV - as a duo - but was having enrage issues with Kalrithresh. The 3 of us had Kalrithresh down by the 4th water tank. The duo were also fresh 70s.

My friend said tonight they killed Prince in Kara in under a minute.

Correct me if I’m wrong but I feel like people play classic for the chill atmosphere. If you want difficult content, it certainly already exists on retail. Let’s not pretend clearing 15 year old content is challenging beyond speedrunning it.

Trust me, I love classic, but for the opposite of what I like about retail. I don’t have to wipe 300 times (literally it took us 300 attempts to kill mythic G’huun to place top 15 on the most competitive server) to down the last mythic boss in classic. I can have a beer, be tired after a long day, and still have a lot of fun.


Exactly. Classic is more for the casuals outside of the speedrunning and arena r1s/glads. It was never really going to be a difficult game.

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I like wiping in dungeons… or more accurately I enjoy success more when I have to overcome a real risk of failure to achieve it. And sometimes my friends and I do invent challenges to make it harder, such as setting up large pulls or relentlessly trolling each other.


TBC 3.0 was way easier than Wrath. And Wrath wasn’t that easy… people that say this are either god gamers or they are thinking of late Wrath when they had ICC gear.

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If you honestly think that, than I either doubt you actually played Wrath, or you were a very incompetent player during Wrath.

The only things in Wrath that were “difficult” for most players were Ulduar & ICC hard modes. That’s it. Halls of Reflection was an uptick in Heroic dungeon difficulty, but it still wasn’t very long before that was faceroll content, too.

I hear Retail has Mythic and Mythic+ difficulties along with a massive suite of boss mechanics if you’re looking for a version of WoW that caters to players seeking difficulty. Maybe try that out instead of seeking even more cruddy changes to WoW’s peak expansion.

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Challenge is relative. Classic can be challenging in its own way.

The difficulty of mythic raiding is a very specific type of challenge that not everyone is interested in.