Luckily I don't go back to work until the 12th.
Raid and rated starting!
Everything is in order.... Lets go!!!
lil raiding, lil arena, some bgs, mythic keystones, nsfw gchat and arranging rbgs. yes we are a lil lax but we do it all!
<Schwarzenegger will BRB> (Tichondrius) Currently recruiting active members in our laid back guild for PvP/PvE and more! Also need a few available for some members Arena Comps. Levelers welcome. Discord and Repairs.
ALLIANCE!!! JOIN THIS GUILD!!! These guys are great ^.^ lots of fun and hilarious members.
We love moo cows
It's true...We love milk.
Hey bump this jeez!
Ok that is it...spankings all around!
09/21/2018 06:41 AMPosted by Darkleonious09/21/2018 04:35 AMPosted by KatalinamoonOk that is it...spankings all around!
How hard?
Yours will be the hardest you filthy Horde!
Oh dear...I love you guys. ♥
Hello, gnome here.
Am tripod.
Am tripod.
Hello beautiful Gnome!
and a random Hordie appeared. :D
and so it begins!
Dang one day later page 2?!