I was a GM of a guild for 8 yrs and needless to say this is one of the most laid back and chilled guilds I have joined.
There is no pressure to doing Wpvp, RBG, or anything you just go at your own pace we have a great social community and trust me we have lots of fun within the guild. No Drama, No elitist trying to tell me how to play my toon. Either way we have fun as a group as a community and I support this guild 100%
Let it be known, we do help our members if they are getting camped. We care for all of our members you are more than just a number you're a member of our community, our home.
So if this interest you come and join the fun times we have had and continue to have as we move into BFA.
08/12/2018 10:07 PMPosted by BrokènglassI was a GM of a guild for 8 yrs and needless to say this is one of the most laid back and chilled guilds I have joined.
There is no pressure to doing Wpvp, RBG, or anything you just go at your own pace we have a great social community and trust me we have lots of fun within the guild. No Drama, No elitist trying to tell me how to play my toon. Either way we have fun as a group as a community and I support this guild 100%
Let it be known, we do help our members if they are getting camped. We care for all of our members you are more than just a number you're a member of our community, our home.
So if this interest you come and join the fun times we have had and continue to have as we move into BFA.
He's always wet
Awww Leo that was nice made me tear up a bit. Then you had to revert back to lewd swine and that’s what we like here. Come join SWBRB where you can laugh and cry at the same time
08/12/2018 10:22 PMPosted by MéowcenariesAwww Leo that was nice made me tear up a bit. Then you had to revert back to lewd swine and that’s what we like here. Come join SWBRB where you can laugh and cry at the same time
I mean hey, it is what it is. lmao :P
Well put Leo, you forgot one crucial part though..
We have the best butts in all of Azeroth.
We have the best butts in all of Azeroth.
08/13/2018 06:41 AMPosted by FlashòckWell put Leo, you forgot one crucial part though..
We have the best butts in all of Azeroth.
A very true statement!!!!
Tich is great server. Let's be patient. Yes, it sucks we may not be able to use warmode or get leveling achievements but we still kick bum. Let's make it great again and gather our patience!
Tich is great server. Let's be patient. Yes, it sucks we may not be able to use warmode or get leveling achievements but we still kick bum. Let's make it great again and gather our patience!
08/13/2018 08:13 PMPosted by KatalinamoonTich is great server. Let's be patient. Yes, it sucks we may not be able to use warmode or get leveling achievements but we still kick bum. Let's make it great again and gather our patience!
Don't worry Kat i'm sure they will fix it! After enough complaints from people that warmode is killing the social aspect of the game in goldshire/gates ect. i'm sure they'll take another look at it. It has to be possible to somehow stop the phasing between people of the same guild on the same server if all are in warmode. Makes no sense to do that. Is Moonguard the same?
Hitting 120 today hype.
Leveling transmog makes me sad.
Leveling transmog makes me sad.
I’m digging this hat tbh
Guild group mythic dungeon achieves: Check
Was fun. :)
Was fun. :)
Once upon a time.....
Out of the top 5 Alliance players on a Tich with the highest ilvl..
Congrats to SWBRB for holding 4 of those spots!
Shout-out to Tarvin, Kathelice, Berovir, and Scold!
Congrats to SWBRB for holding 4 of those spots!
Shout-out to Tarvin, Kathelice, Berovir, and Scold!
Bump, waiting on sept 4th. :P
Hyped for next week.
Warfronts, Raids and M+!
Warfronts, Raids and M+!