[A] [Sargeras] <Undercrown> 2/8M Now recruiting for M Raid progression Fri/Sun Raids

We are built from an old community of raiders with CE/Mythic Leadership Aspiring to build a new CE/progression oriented team. We are a close group of friends who would like to add to our roster for present and future tiers. We’re all committed to having fun and playing to our highest potential in a respectful environment.

Even if you are not extremely serious about Mythic Progression we still invite you to join for alt runs in heroic/normal and M+ teams which are done a number of times throughout the week.

Currently Looking for a number of roles for trial into core recruitment, so almost anyone can have an opportunity to join a fun, structured raid environment with numerous resources available to help with personal/class development.

Raid schedule is currently Fri 8pm CST and Sun 7pm CST. We also run normal 8/8 throughout the week for alt/gear runs.

Shadow/Holy/Disc Priest
Enh/Ele/Resto Shaman

Come hangout with us in our Discord or watch our Raid Live streams!

Please reach out to me for more info:
Discord: 30Mg_Chaderall#6816/ Bnet: cagendo#1844