[A] [Sargeras] The Reserves Community is recruiting!

Hello everyone!

We’re a small scale adult(18+) community coming from [H] [Zul’jin]. Our community plays a wide variety of games, primarily: World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Final Fantasy 14, Dead by Daylight, and a few other honorable mentions. We also watch Soccer matches and F1 together on the weekends, and frequently have movie nights. We’re an active community with members in discord daily.

Our WoW guild, Boomers IRL, is recruiting for their Dragonflight raid team:

The community is aiming to field a small raid group for Dragonflight, the foundation of our community transferring from Reserves - [Zul’jin] to create the base of the guild. We would like to add a few more people and hope you’re the right fit!

We are AOTC focused and plan to raid Wed/Thur 7-10PM CST.

What we can offer you:

  • AOTC-minded raiding
  • M+, some of our members specifically enjoy pushing IO and their limits
  • We have a few members interested in revisiting PVP

We are currently recruiting a raid tank, ranged dps, and 1 rogue.

Please reach out to myself via Discord or BNET to discuss applying.

BNET: Veloletum#1170

Discord: Veloletum#6175

woooooooooooooooooot! Join us!

The guild is still recruiting, now officially named “Boomers IRL”. Come join us for Dragonflight!

yeeeeeeeeeep =]

Hey guys, I sent friend request on discord to you Vewoah. I was wondering if you guys were still need people for your raid team and if there was room for an evoker, I would happily play dps or heals whatever is needed.

come get loot~~!!~~!~!~! woooooooooooooooooooo

Sent you a friend request on bnet to chat

Join us! (:

You all sound like my jam. just came over from FFXIV. (been gone from wow about 7 years) What classes/roles you still need?

We have buns and cookies! Come join us!