[A - Sargeras / H - Illidan] <Currently Online> recruiting N/H/M raiders and socials!

Currently Online

US - Sargeras - Alliance
US - Illidan - Horde

Since 2014, Currently Online has taken pride in providing a fun, drama-free home for thousands of members. Representing both factions, CO has a spot for every person no matter their allegiance. Whether you’re only interested in WoW, or you’d like to enjoy our other clans like Diablo, FFXIV, or Runescape, you’ll find a home here at CO.

For Raiders

  • 4 Active Heroic Teams, each raiding 1-2 days a week.

We have normal teams on both factions to help newer raiders learn how to raid, and more experienced raiders learn new classes, gear alts, and experience raiding in a very laid back environment.

Our Heroic teams run PUG raids from time to time and we have weekly normal PUG raids, so if you don’t want to commit to a team there’s still plenty of opportunities that fit your schedule.

Check out all of our WoW teams here: https://currentlyonline.org/wow-teams

For Mythic+ Enthusiasts

Our raiders are regularly pushing keys up to and past +20s. If you don’t have a regular group you’re running with you can respond to any of the pings people post asking for DPS, Heals, or a Tank and make new friends and find a new push group.

We have high key pushers active on both sides, including those of you struggling to find keys on Alliance (like I used to!).

For Social Players

Discord is our hub of activity – we chat throughout the workday and into the late night about WoW, life, and everything. We regularly have people looking for groups for leveling, timewalking, Mythic+, and out-of-game events like Among Us and game nights.

We know that sometimes WoW gets tiring or boring, which is why we’re also a thriving community across a bunch of games including:

  • Minecraft
  • Diablo
  • Final Fantasy XIV
  • OSRS
  • The latest flavor of the month game (Among Us, Genshin Impact, etc)

We have holiday parties, monthly events, and often will just shoot the breeze on voice chat while doing entirely unrelated things.

Come Join Us Today

Come join our Discord!

If you have any questions, hop into our Discord and ping a @Warcraft Recruiter , and they’ll reach out to you as soon as they can.

We don’t require an application or interview process, so if you’re ready to join just hop into our Discord, grab the @WoW role to unlock the WoW channels, and ask for an in-game invite.

Even if you’re not on our WoW server you’re welcome to be part of our community, join our teams, and become Currently Online.

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Hi, I’m Qigongjinn, a raider with the Lost Signal Normal Horde team from Currently Online on Illidan. I’ve been a part of this guild on both Alliance and Horde for several years. This is a great guild, with very friendly and helpful leaders and members. Due to the size of the guild, there’s always someone to group up and play with, or at least hop into a Discord channel and hang out. Whether you’re gearing up to raid, hunting achievements, or looking for a place to be social and chill, check out our Discord and you’ll likely find a place for you!

This Community has been nothing short of wonderful to be a part of. Come join us :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

We’re having a ton of fun raiding and chilling, so why are you missing out?

Come swing by and check us out. We take great joy in disappointing our Guild & Raid Leaders. Just don’t forget your baby hippo pictures. That’s the real currency on the server. It’s definitely not hog coin.

To be fair, the other important server currency is awesome food and cuddly pet pics! Great for keeping you from going nuts when the servers go down!

We’re still raiding and still having fun. Join us for 9.2, for cross faction with 9.2.5, or for Dragonflight!

Very excited about 9.2 and beyond, including M+ season 4. We are more than ready for old raids with affixes, as we specialize in already spicing things up with our own personal affixes for every raid!

We are gearing up for 9.2.5 and cross factions. Getting ready to merge all of our raiding teams. There’s something for everyone depending on what day you want to raid.

We have a mythic, multiple heroic teams and we also do a weekly normal raid that is intended to help introduce people to raiding!

Come check us out on Discord. Bonus points if you ask for some Rat Keys.

With cross faction live, we are having a blast raiding and running M+ with all our friends from both factions. Come join us and see where all this fun is happening on WoW!

Hello, I just joined your Discord.
followed some of your instructions. Now I’m in the Lobby.
Sent a message in General: ping a @Warcraft Recruiter.

Are you “fated” to have a great time doing the revamped content in Shadowlands Season 4 starting next week, or will it just be “necrotic” for you? Come see what’s happening with Currently Online!

We’re having a great time in the raids with affixes and doing M+ content with both our Horde and Alliance teams! Come join us! Word has it there may be a M+ tournament in September! Have fun working toward your Restoration Deathwalker with Currently Online!

Currently Online is hosting the great rat race tournament in two weeks! Members of our community will be leveling new toons, and competing to see who can push the highest keys during the tournament week! We already have 20 signups, you could be number 21!

The Great Rat Race will be upon us Tuesday, September 6, 2022 after server reset. Now is a great time to check us out using the links in the original post above, and maybe dip your toes into Mythic+ for the first time, or the first time on a new alt! Once in our Discord, check #warcraft-announcements for a code to join the in-game community as well as the rules for the Great Rat Race!

With almost 40 registered toons, this tournament was an alta-palooza!

As we near the end of Shadowlands, our end of expansion events are starting to kick off which are always a fun time. Little MS Paint showdowns and other shenanigans along with working on getting all interested parties their Fated Raid Achievements and mounts.

We are always looking for new people to come hang out and participate in the fun. Hit that Discord link and come see what we’re all about.

Come join us for end of xpac fun and heading into Dragonfight! This is a great time to dip your toes back into leveling alts and figuring out what main(s) you might want to play in Dragonfight. We’ll have social stuff going on as we wrap up Shadowlands! We look forward to seeing you there!

Hi I am just returning to the game after 3-4 years away and looking for guild. Would you guys be open on Sargeras for someone rolling fresh?

Of course! We accept all levels and experience levels to the guild! Feel free to jump into our discord, join our in-game guild, or our in-game cross-faction community!