[A] [Sargeras] <Anonymoose> Recruiting for Shadowlands!

Anonymoose was founded in 2016, and ever since then has aimed to be a welcoming and fun environment, whilst also progressing through raids! We enjoy a relaxed and casual type of gameplay, with all of the jokes and banter that comes with it!

Goals: Currently we are looking to amp up our roster for Shadowlands, and aim to at least get AOTC during every raid tier, whilst possibly pushing some into Mythic as well if the interest is there. Our active core group also enjoys pushing keystones, and more than likely will continue this into the next Xpac.

Raid Times: Tues/Weds 8-11 Central time, and other than tanks we are open to any class, specialization, etc. Possible alt runs/ achievement runs and so on during the weekends, if the interest is there as well.

Contact: If you have any questions at all, feel free to either message myself Gote#7295, or the Guild Master, CrimsonDaemon#6762 on Discord.