[A] Sargeras 7/10HC. Tuesday/ Wednesday 7-10 PST LF Raiders

Is recruiting to begin Mythic Progression in Sanctum of Domination. is a semi-hardcore Alliance raiding guild based on Sargeras US that is wanting to begin pushing the limits of a 6-hour raid week. We have a long-standing community with an active interest in pushing Mythic plus and a very lively Discord server. We are recruiting tanks, RDPS, and healers in order to construct our team for Mythic progression in the Sanctum of Domination.

Our raid schedule is:
Tuesday 7-10 pm PST
Wednesday 7-10 pm PST

We have a regular ALT run on Fridays and Mythic plus running pretty much every single night, with many of our players pushing upwards of 16-17 keys. We are a very welcoming bunch and would be happy to have you among our ranks.

In order to begin a trial process with us, please contact one of the following people on Battlenet:
We look forward to seeing you in-game!