Sage Crusaders is Recruiting For The Eternal Palace Raid (Alliance)
About Us: We have Been a Guild for 9 Years. We are a group of close friends friends that have met thru playing the game. We are an Older Crowd (Age Ranging 30+ and Higher) Veterans of Wow.
We are Family Friendly, Military, Couples Friendly, LBGT, Deaf Friendly, Etc…
Raid Nights: Tuesday/Wed/Thurs 7pm-10pm Cst
Raids we have done with Pug Groups: 9/9N Bod, 6/9H Bod 4/8N EP
Needs: Heals, Ranged & Melee
Dependable: Please be on time and ready to go, preferably 10 minutes before the raid time. Flasks/cauldrons/food are provided by the guild as are repairs.
Communication. Perhaps the most important aspect. Players will be expected to sign up for raids and notify officers if they cannot attend. Additionally, players are encouraged to ask questions in regards to mechanics, classes, and gear.
Respect. You will be expected to always treat your fellow members with class and respect. We all make mistakes and we all learn at different paces. Having a positive helpful attitude is a requirement for joining us. Mean spirited behavior will not be tolerated so please leave drama at the door!
- Desire to learn mechanics and willingness to help others.
- Active Engagement with the Guild. Running content, helping other members, being social with others, contributing to the guild resources, etc.
- Adequate gear, performance, and a clear focused attitude. (don’t juggle chainsaws while raiding!)
Voice Communication:
We use Discord for voice communication during dungeons and raids, which is required during raiding. Although it’s not necessary to speak in discord we’ve found it’s a lot easier if you have questions to speak up and engage in guild discord chat. We don’t bite and love to interact with our members! If your Deaf And cannot use Discord, Please let us know in advance, we will accept that…
Want to talk more, Add me Raevenscrow#1790.