A Run down on how they Killed SOD PVP and need to Adjust going forward

PVE tier bonuses are OP for most classes/specs.
PVE gear is so much better than PVP gear going forward its disgusting.

Crazy idea, hear me out. Make PVE and PVP great… It’s honestly not that hard. You have to try really hard to mess classic up but you guys are doing a pretty good job.

No Pvp weapons until game is basically over is a gigantic fail. Sod hands gear out like candy, no reason to stump pvp’rs.

Incursions and super speed leveling killed World pvp.

Listening to the feet stomping give me my way right now or i’ll spam twitter/x crowd needs to be stopped. Please stop listening to really bad pvp’rs in regards to pvp. Hire some actual people to work on the pvp side.

Classic is about the journey. There has been so much missed in sod due to the world being dead. You can add things to Classic seasons without killing the world, try that next time.

Don’t ignore Pvp it is a massive part of what built wow.
Don’t ignore Pvp in favor of PVE. Do both and do them better.

There is no reason we can’t have Great world pvp and awesome Raids in classic at the same time.


along with better pvp gear, they should have added more bgs , and a better version of AV, why a boring 3 bg rotation when they have so many more to choose from…


never forget.


PvP gear is not bad at all. Still has strong offensive stats and big pieces have like 52 stamina each on them. 3 piece PvP matches with some PvE set bonuses is a fantastic setup. Rank 13 gear is literally BiS for PvP. The updated stats arent on atlasloot. They juices up the stamina so hard and they also made multiple sets for multiple builds. For instance, a pure + healing set for resto druid

Outside of broken balance druid and to a lesser extent rogues, im super happy with how PvP feels in BGs. WPvP is a meme one shot fest. I play whats considered the worst class in PvP ATM and i think the tuning feels better than era in BGs. This is literally my favorite PvP iteration of WoW right no. No arenas, so BGs are the premier format. Try hard WSG and AB feels darn good to play.

Since BGs have an HP scaling component, it literally makes rank 13 gear BiS. When you have 8k HP or more, BGs feel good. If youre super undergeared, the game will feel awful, but thats a universal characteristic on all of WoW. Bad gear = bad time. It is what it is. Sucks that you gotta grind for weeks to have fun in PvP, but its worth it in the end. Hopefully they release more rank gear as well to combat the increased damage once AQ is in full swing

Bro you’re still quoting a purposively writing reply to make fun of 90% of people crying about OP specs without even knowing what talents/specs/skills are.

Hence the reason I didn’t fix it after you quoted it.

This is just not true. I have both full pve and pvp gear on 3 seperate toons.

PVE gear outshines pvp gear and its not even close. The stamina on R13 gear without Tier bonuses would need to be buffed x2 to even make a dent in SODS absurd damage.

The entire point is that if you do not ENJOY raiding you should still have a place in wow.
If pvp is your thing than pvp gear should be BIS for pvp… Currently 90% pve gear is BIS

I am all for PVE people, i hope they get what they want as well. PVP has been vastly ignored.

They could do SOOOOO much more very very easily. Its shocking how many amazing ideas have been thrown around and R13 gets a flat stam buff…

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“nah bro I was wrong on purposively (?) u don’t get it”

ok buddy :rofl: please don’t break my HoJ


Pvp gear is terrible compared to pve gear mainly bc of set bonuses not neccesarily stats

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Bro, some of the PVE sets smash any kind of stat bonus PvP gear could possibly give.

It isn’t bad, but by comparison to PvE gear’s set bonuses, it isn’t good.

There’s at least more variety in what’s OP in PvP in this. Kind of a wotlk balance situation, where there’s a lot of strong things in different aspects.

Why is that component there? Why isn’t that HP just on the gear itself, so it is relevant out in world? Makes no sense.


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Things I’d like them to consider in the future is changing out the old honor system. It feels dated, unrewarding, unnecessarily punishing, with random cut offs, and severe punishments for not making said cutoffs. I think the honor system from tbc + feels infinitely more rewarding and incentivized, since the gear gets constantly updated each season. You buy a piece at a time instead of just, grind grind grind, then get all the gear at once in that version, which is objectively better motivation wise.

I don’t know if I’d want arena with how wild balance is, but something like solo shuffle might fit in well here for improved gear, just because it’s less sweaty, and the rating tends to be overinflated, which you’d want for something like this. Or maybe rated battlegrounds as a method to obtain higher gear or something. I don’t know the best solution, but the current system suuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.

They killed “pvp” because its just a side to the main focus of classic, pve! Raiding is the reason people play this game. Griefing in “pvp” is just a mini game like the peggle addon. What needs to happen going forward is giving rep from bgs like they did with ashenvale for other battle ground reps so we don’t have to be greifed in bgs for rep specific items lol. Real pvp is on cata and TWW. The fact anyone can say classic is “pvp” when there’s no mmr system and shamans is insane. There’s a reason everyone quit crusader strike for wild growth and that nobody ques bgs anymore. The only reason people queued bgs in the first place was to get our pve gear for pve raids!! Sorry to hear that griefing isn’t taking off like you would of liked but the sooner you get over the stages of denial the better you will feel about classic! We love the changes and pve content blizzard is adding! Please keep up the good work and focus more on pve content so the majority of players keep playing! We don’t want any “pvp” events in open world or instanced.,its what killed off sod in the first place, that and shamans. Now its the least played version of wow and will fully decline once fresh comes out on the 21st this month :slight_smile: Hope you have a great day Throwinhands :people_hugging:

All your posts sound AI generated.


The devs have proven time and time again they are simply top unwilling and too incompetent to fix pvp :confused:

So if you have full pve gear after you’ve stated a hundred times you don’t raid. Then what are you crying about?

The legitimate issue and true reality that SoD pvp is the absolute worst version of pvp to ever have existed in the history in the game.

is sod still a thing? huh the more you learn.



I think vanilla PvP was probably worse.

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naw its still an improvement over era/classic. class and spec viability are way better.


Classic Era PvP is basically perfect. Every class does exactly what they are supposed to do.

SoD is pretty good but there are outliers in both directions (Druids on the strong side, Mages on the weak side)

Overall it’s pretty good though.


your brain is all kinds of cooked.