[A:RPEvent] Alliance RP Convention šŸ¦

Date: December 1, 2018

Time: 7.00PM server/cst

The Blue Recluse, Mage District of Stormwind

Purpose: (meet and greet under new name) The purpose of this event has always been to attempt to bring guilds together, to be able to let others know what your guild is about, meet new friends, maybe new guild members, as well as try to get players who have never roleplayed to dip their toes in the kool-aid.

OOC activities: Bringing back the guild Q&A segment which will be held in the Alliance Roleplay discord `for ED link https://discord.gg/9kjuD6P`

If your guild is interested in participating in the OOC segment in discord, please get with me as soon as possible so I can trade you a speaker guide of FAQs via discord, as well as get your name added to the list. I try to keep the number of guilds speaking to about 5-7 as, it gets old fast.

Current Guilds for the Speaking Portion in Discord

1) Nearo of Kul Tiras Marines
2) Acialga of Coldridge Company
3) Pingyang of Orchid Hollow
4) Aeriara of The Ashen Vale
5) Grimaevin of Monocled Ruffians
6) Pancaked of Salty Sea Doggos
7) Rysu of Drunken FIshermen
Location added
Daily bump
Guild Speakers list updated with those who signed up **current as of 11/8/2018**
Daily bump

combo breaker

Stll slots open to sign up - please let me know via discord or here

Bump! Iā€™ll be there!


Heya, Iā€™d like to enter the Drunken Fisherman guild to the Q&A and Iā€™ll be there to answer questions. :slight_smile:

This is a great event youā€™re doing! Thanks ahead of time for putting it together!

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I will add DF to the list

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Itā€™s great to see more guilds signing up for this!

Please note you need remove space in the discord link to use it

I will once again try to make this oneā€¦ ummā€¦ but my attendance is once again dependent on the length and severity of other outingsā€¦ but if I do make it I will be happy to q+a for Clan Battlehammerā€¦



A socials? HA! Yous can counts this cats IN!


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sounds awesome))

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Still about week and a half to sign up for the Q&A in the ally RP discord at the meet and greet just HMU here or in discord or

Sign ups closed- list finalized

I hope you all have a fun time! :slight_smile:


:grinning::sunglasses::snowman:ļø:snowman_with_snow:ļø yup.

Even hid an advert in the redwood times


Good luck))