[A:RPEvent] Alliance RP Convention 🦁

Thanks dude

I’ll be there to speak on behalf of The Ashen Vale. looking forward to it! :slight_smile:

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Coming up!

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Edited to update name list

Bumping for a really fun event and hoping y’all have a great time!


Make sure to join the ally discord for event- link in op

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Going to be a great time! Come join us if you’re looking to find a new home or if you just want to dip your toes into RP or make some new friends! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Guilds speaking please get the speaker’s guide from one of the Peacekeepers in the Alliance RP Discord, it’s an easy-to-follow format to make sure you get the best use of your time!

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This is tomorro!

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Hey everyone this is just a reminder the event starts in a couple of hours or so.
Time: 7.00PM server/cst
Location: The Blue Recluse, Mage District of Stormwind

Come out and show your support for the Alliance on Emerald Dream!!!
#FortheAlliance #EmeraldDream

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Blue recluse and surrounding area! Dont feelbyall all got to crowd into the tiny bar!