[A-RP] <The Court of Lions> Established 15 year Social Roleplay Guild Recruiting! Beginner, Family, & LGBTQIA+

The Court of Lions is a 15 Year Old, Active & Established Social Roleplay guild with casual PvE on Moon Guard!

GM: Barbro
Co-GM: Dìone, Gaylic, Miadarrah, Quillson, Rethélle
Officers: Acereporter, Faesamara, Joseinna, Voidesteria, Wildneon

Founded by Kelsus in 2009, The Court of Lions has been through a few changes throughout the years, beginning as The Conjurers Court, The Alliance Protectorate, and most recently The Royal Lions Brigade originally on Earthen Ring. We transferred realms from Earthen Ring to Moon Guard in 2021.

Our mission has never changed:

Outreach and supporting new roleplayers, to bring active and public roleplay to the RP community. We strive to be a place of inclusion and the idea that you can roleplay at any level and wherever place. Our community is proud to be the home for brand new roleplayers and veteran roleplayers alike. We’re currently and always looking for additional members for our family and community. We are beginner, family, and LGBTQIA+ friendly!

Join us for recurring RP events, In Character guild meetings, community events, established guild Lore & Storylines, holiday parties, anniversary galas, giveaways, mount raffles, guild website contests, mount & transmog runs, lowbie Dungeon groups, old raid achievements, plus casual occasional end-game with a chill group that just likes to have fun.

We regularly run Dungeons, some Mythics, and lower Keystones, and very casually run Normal raids from time to time.

In Character The Court of Lions is a multi-role organization of the Alliance that serves as a unique force of the Alliance ranging from heroes, adventurers, scholars, and soldiers in a single organization that promotes Honor and Duty in the Alliance.

Our Mission is to Protect and serve His Majesty The King, The Alliance and her people as Protectors and Guardians of the Realm. We bring peace, stability, and understanding between allies through comradeship.

TL;DR We’re a pretty wholesome group of people, friendly and helpful and we like to do things together. Events and casual PvE and gathering contests etc!

Our main rule is don’t be a jerk / troll / drama llama. The majority of us are adults with jobs and even kids, so we all just like to login and chill! We are very casual and laid back.

To join: Whisper any officer or member online or send in-game mail to GM Barbro. Or /who Barb, as I have several Barb-alts.

We look forward to roleplaying & seeing you in-game!

Last edit: 5/28/2024


A bump to let everyone know we’re still here and still recruiting.

We just set our calendars for our BIG Hallow’s End Masquerade Ball next month for the 28th at 7:00 PM Realm Time. I think we’ll be opening the event to the general public again this year, and of course we’ll have a costume contest and some wonderful prizes! We’ll post an Invitation once we get closer, and have everything all figured out.

Right now we’re running at least 1 event every week, switching between PvE and RP events. This week (tonight, actually!) we’ll be running some Normal Dragonflight dungeons together as a guildie group. People with alts level 60-70 can group up and run together to get some sweet gold for the guild bank via Guild Dungeon Challenges.

This Sunday we have our In Character RP Guild Meeting, at our Headquarters of Westbrook Garrison at the upstairs meeting room. We’ll get together in a formation for general news and announcements, and it’s the 1 place we offer PROMOTIONS to our guildies!
We give promotions within the guild based on activity, attendance to events, talking in guild chat, helping others, running Dungeons together, and just generally being a good example of a guildie!

Next week we have a RP event for some Cave Exploration, hunting a very special herb that only grows in the darkest of caverns. You won’t need a herbalist to enjoy this event, but we’ll actually be looking for and picking a specific herb. Magical Lanterns provided, but Event goers are encouraged to wear headlamps and/or carry torches!

Recruitment is always open, and even if you’re not a guildie, you are welcomed to attend our events! ALL of our events are out in the world where passerbys can find us!


Just an update to let everyone know we are still here, still active, and still open for recruitment!

Planning is well underway for this year’s Hallow’s End Masquerade, which for the first time we’ll open as a pubic-invite event! This will be on Saturday, October 28th at 7:00 PM Realm Time (US-CST), at the upstairs of Scholomance. There will be a costume contest, an awesome mount for giveaway, plus goodies for everyone that attends! Aside from our Anniversary Galas, this is our biggest event every year! Mark your calendars and tell all your friends!

Today in WoW we are going to Roleplay and visit Brewfest this evening at 7:00 PM Realm Time In Character to enjoy this festival together. We’ll meet at the festival grounds outside of Ironforge to drink the brews, ride the rams, eat the food, and enjoy the music and everything that Brewfeast as to offer!

And tomorrow begins Darkmoon Faire, which we always attend when it is in town. That’ll be next Friday at 7:00 PM Realm time!

To join, find myself or any of our members online for an invite, or you can apply via the in-game guildfinder tool by searching The Court of Lions and marking RP Guilds!

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The Masquerade Ball is always a blast!

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Just a bump to let people know we are still here and still open to recruitment, AND our grand Hallow’s End Masquerade and Costume Contest went really well!

We invited the general community to our annual Masquerade this year and had a pretty good turnout with over 30 people in attendance. Plenty of goodies were given out to everyone, and some people won big with the Costume Contest, or one lucky player won the Reins of the Crimson Deathcharger mount.
As always the costumes were all really awesome!

Today is patch day, and I know a LOT of people have been waiting for TODAY to come back and start playing again. And we have things going on in game!

This week on Thursday we have our Darkmoon Faire outing, where we gather together at the gates to attend the Faire together. Remember your tickets because we’ll play the games, ride on the rides, eat and drink the Faire fare, attend a concert or two, and see if Moonfang and the Darkmoon Rabbit really exist!

Sunday night we’ll get together a full guildie group full of lowbies for “Litters” aka Littles Dungeon Night! We’ll run whatever lowbie dungeons and probably hang out in Discord at the same time.

And of course, guild meetings. We always used to have 2 per month, but dropped down to 1 a month some years ago. We took a poll on our Discord and people said they wanted more guild meetings, so I took that as a sign that we should have 2 a month again. AND we’ll have it on a (Hopefully) more popular day, as Thursday evening was the highest rated day/time.
Our next In Character RP Guild Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 16th at 7:25 PM, at our Headquarters of Westbrook Garrison in Elwynn Forest. Non-guildies and potential recruits are welcomed to show up and observe, and even participate.

We hold all of our events in public areas with the hope that the public will pass by and maybe pique their interest. Many people through the years have passed through, stopped to observe, participate a while, and others have happened upon us and didn’t know yet what we were doing and were interested in knowing! We’ve actually gotten a good number of recruits this way too!

Find any one of us in game for an invite, or you can apply via the in-game guildfinder tool by searching The Court of Lions. The guildfinder is probably the fastest way into the guild!


Another update to let peeps know we are still here, still active, and still open for recruitment!

Today marks the beginning of WoW’s 19th Anniversary event complete with achievement and gifted pet and a mess of other things to do and collect!

This week in game we have our In Character RP Guild Meeting happening TONIGHT at Westbrook Garrison in Elwynn Forest at 7:25 PM Realm Time (US-CST). We’ll amass in a formation for news, announcements, and of course PROMOTIONS! Promotions within the guild are ONLY given at guild meetings, and they are based off activity within the guild: attending events, helping in dungeons, helping out guildies when needed, and just generally being a member in good standing!

We now hold Guild Meetings 2x a month, generally the First and Last full week’s Thursdays, but it can vary month by month.

This Sunday at 5:30 PM Realm Time join our own Lady of the Light Dione for her Evening Vespers for prayers and praise to the Light! She’ll be leading her prayers and Vespers from the Gazebo behind the Stormwind Cathedral.

Thursday for US Thanksgiving night we’ll get together at The Blue Recluse Tavern in Stormwind City’s Mage District for a round (or six!). Expect attendance to be spotty that night, as probably most people will be celebrating with a Family Dinner…which brings us to our next event…

Next Saturday Guild Master Barbro will host a Family Dinner at her In Character home in Elwynn Forest for Pilgrim’s Bounty! All friends and Allies of The Court of Lions guild, along with their families and significant others (In Character RP event!) are all invited! Dress is casual, come as you are!

Reminder that all of our events are WarMode and Chromie time OFF events, gotta be in the same phase to see each other!

Find us in game if you would like an invite! Or show up to any of our events!


Our first guild meeting of the Month was last night, and it was a big one!

Announcing Lady of the Light Dione as one of our newest Co-Leaders! Dione has been a member of the guild since we were originally The Conjurers Court on Earthen Ring, before I was even a member!

Leaders are promoted within the Guild based not only on their activity and time “served”, but have continually and repeatedly help create a positive and active guild, member events, always willing to lend a hand, and have proven themselves not only trustworthy but also completely indespensible to the guild!

Lady Dione is a shining example of what a Co Leader in The Court of Lions should be! I am so glad Dione now joins the ranks of Leaders, where they belong!


Another bump to bring us to the top!

This week in World of Warcraft we’re all celebrating Pilgrim’s Bounty! THURSDAY is Thanksgiving for the US, and while most will be spending the day with family and friends, some of us will be enjoying a turkey day Tavern Night at Blue Recluse Tavern in Stormwind’s Mage District, around 7 PM Realm Time. Expect attendance to be spotty that night, because it IS a holiday irl, but DO expect to see some of The Court of Lions out for a drink!

This Saturday we’ll celebrate Pilgrim’s Bounty In Character with a RP Dinner at Guild Master Barbro’s home in Elwynn Forest. We’ll get together with significant others and family in tow to my In Character home in Elwynn Forest. Usually I use the house closest to the Lion’s Pride Inn, but due to that house usually being in use, we’ll get together at the big house at Eastvale Logging Camp, to avoid the crowds and other things.

Then Sunday we have another “Litter” aka Littles Night where we’ll make a group of lowbies to stomp some dungeons together and level up! Wildneon is hosting this week!

Hope to see you in game!

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Another bump to bring us back to the top!

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and we’ll be celebrating In Game at MY HOUSE In Character for a Roleplay get together on Saturday evening! Always a fun time!

And then Sunday we have our “Litter” aka Littles Night where we get our lowbies together in a guild group and steam roll through lowbie dungeons together! A lot of times we’ll hang out in Discord together while doing this, and it’s always a fun time!

Our next In Character guild meeting will be 11/30, which is a Thursday at 7:25 PM Realm Time. We’ll get together in a formation at our Headquarters of Westbrook Garrison in Elwynn Forest for news, announcements, and of course PROMOTIONS!

Find us in game via the in-game guildfinder tool to join, or find any of us in game for an invite! Hope to see you and Roleplay with you soon!

Another bump to bring us to the top!

Hope everyone had a wonderful and save US Thanksgiving! We celebrated Pilgrim’s Bounty in-game on Saturday with a Roleplay feast at Guild Mistress Barbro’s house! I’d say it was a hit with all the Festive Feasts and Wine with a good amount of my dearest friends and guildies in attendance!

This week in World of Warcraft we’ll be running Mythic dungeons together as a guild group Wednesday night around 9:00 PM. Helping our guildies get their Great Vault loaded up with something nice for the next reset! Come on out and join us!

Then on Thursday we have our next In Character Roleplay Guild Meeting, at our Headquarters of Westbrook Garrison in Elwynn Forest! Same time as last time, in the second floor meeting hall. We’ll gather for news, announcements, and it’s the 1 place we give out PROMOTIONS!

Just an FYI if you’re curious how to scale the ranks in The Court of Lions: be active in game, attend events, be active in guild chat, help out in dungeons, and just be a member in good standing!

We hope to see you soon!


I can attest that Court of Lions is full of delightful people who are also fun to RP with. If I make any MG alts (or really, serious Alliance alts once cross-realm guilds are live), I hope to make my home with 'em.


We appreciate the vote of confidence! Always good to hear good things about us from others! Thank you!

And a bump to bring us to the top! This week in World of Warcraft we ran Mythics together on Tuesday, had an Officer’s Meeting last night and we were supposed to visit the Darkmoon Faire but I fell asleep instead, so we’ll look at another night for DMF.

Tonight we’ll run Heroics and M0 to help people get geared up starting around 7:30 PM.

Sunday at 5:30 PM Lady Dione will be having her evening Vespers service, behind the Cathedral in Stormwind City at the little gazebo area.

Tuesday the realm has been invited to a Beatific Banquet in Ashran, and we have a handful of people who are excited to attend. This is a community event put on by another guild!

And then next week Thursday we have our first December In Character Guild Meeting of the month, followed by our Beginner’s RP Class!

And NEXT Saturday begins Winter Veil in game!

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Do ya’ll have story arcs or is it more just a place for people to get together and free form RP?

We used to do story arcs and run various storylines, but we are mostly just a place for people to get together and free form, along with our social type events we run.

In general, we say that we follow the main storyline of the game, and everyone has their own part they play.

Just another bump to let people know we are here and still recruiting!

Winter Veil is upon us, and The Court of Lions celebrated on Thursday with a little gift-giving exchange! Everyone brought along two gifts to the Golden Keg tavern in Stormwind’s Dwarven District and we exchanged until everybody had 2 random gifts! I of course had a few things to give out to everyone too.

Christmas eve is tomorrow night, so I hope everyone who celebrates has a wonderful and safe holiday! And happy holidays and happy new year to everybody!

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A bump to bring us back to the top! We’re still here and still open to recruitment!

I hope everyone is enjoying their Winter Veil! And hope everyone who celebrates the Holidays has a very good one this year! And speaking of…it’s almost a NEW YEAR!

Tonight we have an In Character RP Guild Meeting at our headquarters Westbrook Garrison in Elwynn Forest. Tonight we’ll announce the winner of the guild bank gold drive this year, and they will take home a Minion of Grumpus mount!

Next year 2024 we’ll be bringing back our Azeroth’s AMAZING RACE! We’ll race across Azeroth either alone or part of a duo towards 100,000 Gold! This is an arduous race, so it will take ALL year, with one event per month across Continents and Zones! Monthly themes and prizes and gold giveaways to winners and participants!

Keep your eyes peeled, because we’re thinking of inviting the general public this year!

It’s NEW YEARS EVE! Goodbye 2023.

Hope everyone has a SAFE and Wonderful New Year!

The Court of Lions is still open for recruitment! We have a wide variety of ages within the guild, teens and grandparents alike, though we are all mostly adults with jobs and kids and the like.

Our one main rule is don’t be a jerk/troll/drama llama, and we have 0 tolerance for Bullies and Bigots. We are accepting of everyone!

We accept anyone from beginners to old Veterans, even those who are brand new to Roleplay! We hold at least 1 Beginners RP Class a month, specifcally for those who wish to learn!

Find any of us in game for an invite, or you can apply through the In-Game Guildfinder (Shortcut J) and search for The Court of Lions and checking RP guilds.

First post of the year!

The Court of Lions is still open for recruitment, from the very beginner to the game and/or Roleplay right along with old veterans that have been Roleplaying longer than some of us have been alive.

So far this year, we’ve had our Roleplay 101 class, under 60 dungeon runs, and Guild/Garrison Roleplay.

Tomorrow we have Littles Night, especially for our lowbies.

And we have a new Quillson Quest up on the in-game calendar for any guildies who wish to aide him in his efforts! Open to any guildies who can gather all the items he requests for a sum of 10,000 Gold. He runs a different Quillson Quest every month!

Wednesday we’ll be running normal Dragonflight Dungeons, and Thursday is our Officers meeting followed by our Guild Garrison Meeting!

Join us in game for fun and Roleplay!

Hope everyone had a great new year.

Just another post to bring us back to the top!

This week in World of Warcraft we had our Sunday evening Vespers and Prayer service last night at 5:30 PM Realm time, hosted by the Lady of the Light Dione. Word seems to have gotten out about her monthly services and there were a good amount of people and passer bys in attendance.

Tonight Rethelle will be hosting a Recruitment drive, In Character outside the Stormwind City Cathedral tonight around 6:00 PM Realm Time. Those in attendance will be in their guild Colors and Regalia.

TOMORROW IS PATCH DAY!!! And a long day down for maintenance, so chances are we’ll be busy with IRL and other games for a while tomorrow!

Wednesday we’ll be running Normal/Leveling Dragonflight dungeons together as a guild group! Grouping up and hitting some normal dungeons for fun, and for credit toward the weekly guild challenges!

And this Thursday is our Azeroths AMAZING RACE! We’ll be inviting more and more people to this event as the months go by! This is a monthly event, and by the end we will have raced each major continent all across Azeroth! This month our allies from the guild Elysians will be joining us for our first race of the year from the Entrance to the Ruins of Silvermoon City in Eversong Woods (way 46.50) down to the Docks of Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale (way 39.67)! First one there wins 10,000 Gold and a variety of Rare and/or level 25 Pets. 2nd and 3rd place win a couple rare or level 25 pets too! EVERYONE who attends will receive themed pets and goodies!

Further Details for our AMAZING RACE:
Theme: New Year New Me! Wear your newest Transmog!
Mount/Pet suggestions: New/Lunar Year/MECHA
Bonus Objective: Light fireworks in every zone!

Note that unless otherwise noted, ALL guild and community events are Warmode and Chromie Time OFF events! And ANYONE is welcomed to join in on our events, including our AMAZING RACE! We usually have pets and prizes for giveaway!

Another bump to bring us back to the top.

Tonight in World of Warcraf we’ll have another tavern night, in Boralus with our friends and allies from Vanguard of the Rose on Wyrmrest Accord, and our friends from Elysians may attend as well! Hoping for a good group, and this will be a every other week event! We’ll be at the Fireside in Boralus Upton Burroughs Coords 58.63!