[A-RP] Shadow of the Forest

Sign me up.

The Shadow of the Forest is currently having some OOC fun as we all explore the Shadowlands! Also here’s a reminder that recruitment formally opens up in a week on Tuesday, December 1st!


Another thing I should’ve asked about previously is alts. I have an alt for every Alliance race, at this point. While parking them all in one guild is probably ludicrous, I always take alt friendliness into account when scouting.

Hey Thaltere, we love alts too so we allow an alt in the guild after someone is promoted from the recruit rank of “Outrunner”.

We will also have an in game community that allows us to chat amongst ourselves while on alts not in the guild.

Being a heavy RP guild, we want our players to be able to give attention to characters so they get the development and experience in the guild they want and not to be spread thin with too many possible characters to choose from.

Hope this helps!


Long live the Shadow, long live the Kaldorei, long live the Alliance.


I unfortunately am working nights for the next few days, but expect to hear from me soon!


Our first event was a success. We’re gathering quite the motley crew here. If you’re interested in the Shadow, all you need to do is find them among the trees…


Do you guys accept Demon Hunters (even OOCly would be fine)? What is the guilds primetime for online hours?

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We accept all canon Alliance races and classes and others within reason, Demon Hunters included. ICly it may be a bit of work to get them in, but we can work OOCly to make it happen.

Most of our members are online between 5pm-2am.

Hope this helps!

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Ahh, damn, too late in the day for us. 5PM server is 8PM my time and 12AM for my partner, unfortunately. Will still poke at you guys if we see you around though!

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Let’s pretend I made a Night Elf, but haven’t RPd in freakin years… How open would you be to helping me getting back into it and being a baller roleplayer?

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As long as you have the passion and motivation to join a heavy RP guild, we care not what skill level of RP you possess.

We can talk more if you wish about it but that shouldn’t matter at all. :slight_smile:

Typos sorry I’m multitasking.


Talk to you tomorrow. :wink:

January marks our foray into our first guild plot and storyline! If you’ve been thinking about reaching out and seeing what we’re about, now’s the time to do so!

I’m also pleased to say we WILL be venturing into the Shadowlands, very Soon™!

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Are you by chance still allowing people to reach out? You have piqued my interest!


Absolutely! Try to find Gwyneth or Tharion in game to chat!

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Join our guild. Stellar collection of RPers and nice people.


Welcome fellow Night Elves!


Our guilds first storyline is under way. Be sure to get a foot in the door now, our open recruitment will close before too long.

The Shadow of the Forest is still open and recruiting… for now. We will be temporary closing recruitment at the end of January for the sake of an exclusive plot arc, so if you are interested, don’t delay.

Gwyneth can reached in game as the character “Gwyneth”, on Discord (clair#8788) or Battle Tag (clair#1709).

Tharion can be reached in game as the character “Tharion”, Discord (Taws#4321) or Battle Tag (#Taws#11991)

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