Quick post here. The Stormwind scourge invasion has been quite fun, if a bit chaotic and laggy. I’ve been seeing lots of groups RPing and it got me thinking it would be fun to see several groups (think guilds) in different areas of Stormwind, defending NPCs and buildings and areas of defense.
Let’s get together Friday night starting at 6:30 with each group taking a spot in the city, RP and coordinate in /raid.
I’ve never done something like this, but it seems too good an opportunity to not try. Maybe we can get people being zombies to coordinate attacks.
If interested find me on discord clair#8722 or battle tag clair#1709
Shadow of the Forest will be at The Wollerton Stead.
Legion of the Dawn will be at the Cathedral.
Comment below where you’d like to plant yourselves. I’ll update the list. Be cool to spread the love to places not as popular. Let’s be courteous of others wanting to RP in the same area, no place can be claimed for exclusivity.
I call yelling “It’s too late for me, go on without me!” whilst being swarmed by zombies, and then respawning in a broom closet half a level later.
But in all seriousness, sounds like a good time and if I end up being available I may hop on to an alliance character and join you. Orgrimmar makes my computer burst in to tears right now and it’s not liquid cooled so I don’t think it’s supposed to do that.
There are several events scheduled for many days in the week. That’s a good sign for the RP health for the server. People have options, and that’s good! I won’t be able to reschedule, as this is a limited time event, but hope folks will be able to choose the event they want to attend the most!