(Emergency) Magus Gathering in Dalaran
For members and allies of the Kirin Tor (cross-faction)
Friday November 20th at 5pm
Purple Parlour, Dalaran (Northrend)
It is Friday, November 20th. And this week, all hell broke loose. Rumours began of a new scourge threat, and by week’s end it seemed as though they were everywhere: on the roads, in the country, and even inside the city walls. As a magus, you have done what you can. You wondered if this was happening anywhere else…
Suddenly, a purple flame appears in your room, hovering above the surface of a desk, bureau or table. It seems to burn in reverse, not destroying something but rather producing it: a scroll appears, bit by bit until it is whole, and the flame vanishes. It reads:
Members and allies of the Kirin Tor. A old threat seems to have emerged which threatens the new peace, and life itself.
Knowledge is power. We call back every available member and ally to report on the events worldwide so that we may approach this threat as a unified front. Report to the Violet Citadel by afternoon’s end today.
OOC info:
This event will be a round table conversation on the new scourge threat to Azeroth. Any and all characters, preferably mages, who are members of or allies of the Kirin Tor are welcome to attend. It would be great to have mages who are stationed on all the continents for this.
There will be no leadership, or orders given. If characters or guilds choose to group together and plan future missions or events, all the power to them!
Save the date!