You are such a peach <3 Have a wonderful (and probably much needed) vacation!
@Anoriah Awww I am so down for flower crowns!
You are such a peach <3 Have a wonderful (and probably much needed) vacation!
@Anoriah Awww I am so down for flower crowns!
This guild is cool enough that Gaeia gets whispers about it from talented and attractive people. Just think about that.
Elune bless.
Do i though? Because everyone is talentrd in their own right
Do you folks take Demon Hunters? If so, I have one from WRA I may transfer over, as it’s pretty much impossible to find a Kaldorei/nature-based guild over there that accepts DHs (or any RP guild for that matter :/).
I haven’t played him in almost a year, so he’s just sitting around at level 112 collecting dust, but I do still have his old RPfindMe profile: h ttps://
Barring a no DH rule, I have a Nelf hunter on WRA just collecting dust, too
As long as it fits their story and they do not do anything to disrupt Enudoril’s desire to heal Kalimdor, then they are welcome
I’ve actually had the character (not as a DH of course) since about 2007-ish or so. Even after becoming a DH, his main priority is protecting his homeland and making sure no more Moonwells become corrupted, etc (which plays a big part in his backstory but that’s a lot of rambling and I won’t torment anyone with it on a guild recruitment thread )
It’s for sure a Gaeia question, but An here wouldn’t personally have any issue with having a guildie around who is a DH. Not as long as he’s onboard with preserving, and not defiling, Azeroth - which it sounds like he is! I love that you have a specific objective for him (moonwells) and would love to explore more of that over time IC if you were to join our little family ^^
Hi Enudoril, i’m very interested in this as I love all things Kaldorei related. In fact, I love them so much I often range into the esoteric, using illusions and prisms to RP Children of Cenarius, Giants and other allies of nature. Would you welcome these allies into Enudoril?
Of course! You were in Falah’dure over on WrA which didn’t go too well but that is clearly not the case here so i would be honored and super excited to have you with us again!!
As for the DH, the math checks out!
Cool beans I’m mostly away this week for a last-minute family thing, but I’ll try to get an app up and transfer him over by Friday should it be approved (I’ll still have my phone but won’t have game access until Friday).
Edit: app is up!
When would be a good time to get in touch? Maybe meet up for some Roleplay.
I’ve been looking for a ren’dorei friendly guild to get into with. But I love Kaldorei, so much. I might switch back over to Nightelf. When I do I’ll put in a App!
I forgot to mention, upon looking over the guild site, I saw the artwork for your character and really, really liked the design. Maybe it’s just that I’m a nerdy old goth but I thought it was super cool.
Ahhh thank you all so much! I am back from my vacation. It was really fun! Though human beings ruined it at some parts with their attitudes and strollers that they ran over my feet with x_x. And airplanes suck with nasal congestion. Apps are looked at and Accepted and after i build my computer, many RPs including a communkty event will be had!!
Sounds good! I’ll transfer Vortigen over by Friday when I’m back from my own little vacation. Who should I contact for an invite, and what would be the best way to do so(Discord, guild site, in-game)?
I want to apologise for not being in-game as of late. Life has grabbed be by my shirt lol. I’ll be on soon, feel free to talk to me on Discord Gaiei!
Discord definitely
And no worries! We have all had a busy week lately.
I’m just starting to play again after taking a two year vacation and I’ve rolled up a Druid for the first time. Your guild looks pretty darn nifty and I was wondering if there would be anyone there that’s up for taking a teaching role for my Worgen? I think something like that would be perfect for getting me in the mindset of playing a Druid
Indeed!! We also have 3 custom druid totems as well as a head canon for any feral/cat druids (druid of the pack is our name for them). So I am sure there will be a Shan’do somewhere for your character.
HHHH computer is built and in the process of having stuff backed up <3 so i should be very active very soon once more.
I’ve finally managed to get my application in! Looking forward to hearing from you!