Embittered by the end result of the Fourth War and the conflicts that filled it, many Gilneans have begun to question the merits of remaining with the Alliance. Some were already to the conclusion that it was not worth it. Feeling trapped as refugees, a Kingdom in Exile, they waited for the Alliance to liberate their land and rebuild it.
But then when they found the truth in many other groups, those who had lost hope and their homes, this small group of Gilneans recognized that they could not wait on Alliance intervention. Inspired by the deeds of heroes and rebels in the past, the Northguard was founded. They were to be the storm that finally washed away the death that smothered the north, a great aegis to finally defend those who had been left behind.
The Northguard are enemies of the Horde, and are no friends of the Alliance, yet also seek aide from other Alliance fringe groups. This includes but is not limited to groups akin to the Scarlet Crusade, the Silver Hand, or other related anti-Forsaken and pro-independence groups in the Northern Eastern Kingdoms. This also includes Kaldorei groups that dislike the Alliance and are attempting to go their own way.
The Northguard’s goals will one day see them come into conflict with the Alliance, but for now, they are in a tenuous relationship. Defying the cease-fire isn’t anything new, so can the Alliance really punish such a small group for it? And anyways, they’re seemingly just targeting Sylvanas loyalists and rightly reclaiming territory. There’s little to do, politically, about them.
We’re looking for officers, storytellers, and any general rpers who are interested in this whole shebang!
We have a discord!
This community will be LGBT+ friendly, as well anti-racist, anti-bullying, etc. Don’t talk about your politics, don’t talk about what you think about someone’s religion. Leave that at the door.
So! Tell me what you think! If you want to join up, help me out, or want to follow the progress, you can find me on discord as Sint!?!?!?!#3073 . Feel free to also contact me over the forums, here, because I’ll be paying attention to it when I can!
The Northguard is going to be almost completely centered on RP content until or if we grow large enough to sustain PvE and PvP content. But PvE and PvP will never be more important than our RP. If content gets in the way of our storytelling, we’ll cancel it.