[A]<Rome> 8/8H 3/8M is recruiting DPS for M EP

US Sargeras - Alliance

About Us:
We are a semi-casual guild with multiple CE raiders looking for a more laid back raiding schedule and environment. We understand that life can be demanding and that not everyone has the time to raid 10+ hours a week so we like to keep a shorter raid schedule, that being said though we hold our members at high expectations to get as much done in a week as we can with what little time we have.

Tanks: NONE
MDPS: Demon Hunter (MED) / Warrior (MED) / Rogue (MED)
RDPS: Mage (HIGH) / SPriest (HIGH)
All good ranged considered
Healers: NONE

Tuesday: 9:00PM - 11:30PM CST
Wednesday: 9:00PM - 11:30PM CST
Thursday: 9:00PM - 11:30PM CST

Previous Tier Experience:
2/2H CoS
3/9M, 9/9H BoD (some members with 9/9M CE)

Manifest#1870 (Legretta - Guild Master)
Lifelink#1413 (Arctizal - Co-GM/Raid Leader)

Bumping Post

Still looking for peeps!

Still looking for a fatty mage and healers!

still on the lookout

UPDATED 7/31/19 to reflect current recruitment needs.

Still need people!

Up the bump

Looking for some chill DPS still

DPS pl0x!!

Still looking for DPS!!

3/8 POG WE DID IT. Still need more DEEPS