(A) Rogue LF Raiding Guild

Looking for an EST guild that raids any days starting around 8-9pm EST.

A little information about me:

I haven’t seriously played since the end of Legion when I ran Antorus N/H groups with a small guild that I was in charge of. We ended up doing all of Normal and Heroic, before joining another guild in Mythic which did not work out.

I have really enjoyed shadowlands so far and started out on my brewmaster monk. I hit 185 ilvl in the 2nd week then decided I wanted to main my rogue and look for a serious raiding guild.

Thank you for taking the time to read over and hope to talk to you soon!

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Hey! I’m in and we’re in need of a rogue pretty bad right now. We’re a bunch of friends from the midwest that have played together for several years focused on clearing heroic content each tier. I’ll be up front that we probably won’t be interested in trying to push Mythic raiding just to keep it a bit more “casual” but we’ve got a solid core if you’d like to discuss it more. We raid on Tuesdays/Thursdays for this month and start 7pm CST with the expectations that the holidays might be a little strange for attendance. Let me know if this interests you! Thanks!

Sorry, I didn’t realize I was logged into a character that I haven’t touched in several years >.<

This is my correct character/guild.